Welcome to "Our Shadow"

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by The_genius, Feb 8, 2010.

  1. Welcome class to my explanation of reality using Plato's theory of forms. What is plato's theory of forms? Well, it's that there exists two planes of being. It is the world of all perfect figure, a world of "forms." You look at a coke bottle, and it is merely a representation of the perfect form of a coke bottle into our reality. So what does that mean for us?
    Think about our souls as being our...perfection. It is the part of us that exists in the perfect world, and our physical bodies are merely it's representation...
    Now thinking about ALL that, one is to say that our "Universe" is merely a projection of the perfect realm of forms, never quite perfect, and only a representation of the original perfect form. So...wouldn't we be merely a shadow to something much greater than us?

    The Genius

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