Weird plant

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Cphinman, May 23, 2017.

  1. IMG_0099.JPG IMG_0100.JPG just wanted to share this freaky lady with all of you. About two weeks old.
  2. Welcome to the City!
    The plant will probably resume normal growth shortly..
    Seed = store bought, Bagseed or?
  3. I've personally always favored the anomolous.
  4. Damn..I had to look up anomolous..LOL!:hide:
  5. Proudly exploiting big words since the 4th grade.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. Nice tomato plant
  7. Oh self terminated. All that you have to build on with this plant is the branches that will form at the first node. It will not grow any further upper nodes. Frankly I would pull this plant an start another.

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