Weird dream about misinformation

Discussion in 'Grasscity Forum Humor' started by Big Ross, Aug 6, 2009.

  1. So yesterday I had a dream I was watching the news and the news crew was at my buddies house and they were interviewing the cops. This roughly what the officer said.

    "Yeah, so we busted in this mans house after he left because we've had him tapped for months now and he's a known dealer *he isn't* What we have here is about 3 pounds of marijuana *He's actually holding about a half ounce* People have been known to smoke 1/100th this amount and OD. This will run anywhere between $90-150k on the streets. Usually what they do is inject the marijuana in their bloodstream and smoke it at the same time to get high. He can expect to do at least 25 years in prison for this."

    And for some reason I was watching the commercial from a straight edge point of view freaking out about these "facts".

    Woke up and smoked a bowl =D

    I'd thought I'd share that little tidbit. Anyone else have real stories of stuff like that happening. I know they probably wouldn't be so extreme but I've seen some funny ones in real life.

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