Weighlifting, Bodybuilding, and the usage and effects of Marijuana or your lifts

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by TheDank7, Jan 18, 2012.

  1. #1 TheDank7, Jan 18, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2012
    I do a lot of weightlifting. I have been smoking for years. I also know that there are plenty of people out there who lift and smoke weed. Sometimes, some of us will get high and goto the gym. For some, bad idea. For others, they love it because you're in your own mindset. Also, sometimes during workouts and later on after getting high, I feel my muscle pumping because of the increased blood pressure due to weed. This in turn can feed your muscles more nutrients faster.

    I want to hear peoples' experiences and their thoughts on weightlifting, bodybuilding and the incorporation of marijuana in their "regiments" haha.

    EDIT: And by all means, please post up any workouts that you went high to and had some wild experiences haha
  2. Lol I can't lift jack shit when I'm high...

  3. haha well a lot of people i know can do it. Its tough but take a preworkout and youve got a perked up high haha
  4. I can smoke before I workout and be fine, but usually I don't like to because it makes me feel a bit "groggy" between sets. I do enjoy grappling when buttered though.

    After I workout I take a cold ass shower, then smoke a bowl, and that feels amazing, helps relax my muscles and I'm pretty sure helps them heal faster in between working days.
  5. I usually smoke after my workout.
    it goes
    a few ounces of chicken or fish
    more food.

    I've noticed that in my bulking stage that the munchies helps me get those extra calories in.

    However, you really don't have to relate the 2 together. They could just be unrelated rec. activities.
  6. You play Blur man? Im playin that shit right now :D

  7. yea sometimes I space out in the gym when im high but sometimes i get an extra pump. and when im high i feel like i can actually "feel" the muscle soreness in particular areas and i just feel more pumped. Definitely helps increase nutrient delivery
  8. I've trained blazed tons of times, and have had some great workouts. I'd rather be sober though just cause I find my posture is naturally better.

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