Weeks til harvest?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Pistils, Jan 19, 2017.

  1. I'll start by saying I haven't grown in nearly 10 years so I've forgotten a lot that I had to research again.

    I started labeling the date planted and the date when I switch it to 12/12 but haven't on my biggest plant...

    Any guesses on how many weeks left til harvest? It never had much smell to it but I noticed today that it's starting to.

    It's bagseed so I can't really compare it to pictures of the same strain online..

    Sorry for the pics being taken under HPS...
    IMG_20170119_154715.jpg IMG_20170119_154708.jpg
  2. The only way to know for sure is by getting yourself a jeweler's loupe and having a look at the trichomes. The average is 25% in order to pull, but of course, more time ups that percentage and potency of your bud. I'm going to make a suggestion to you. With an indoor grow we're depending totally on artificial light which can come nowhere near the actual real light source, the sun. You're going to be able to harvest more from a single plant that gets tended properly and receives sufficient wattage and spectrum of light along with plenty of space to grow, than you will reap from attempting to flower 3 in the same amount of space. It's just as important not to crowd out your lights and shade out bud development since that makes it difficult for light to penetrate the canopy of the plants. I see your space here under the HPS is absolutely packed full of small plants...which are going to yield you a bunch of small buds. By backing out on the number of plants you're flowering at once and using the lighting you do have to the benefit of only one or two plants, will up your weight at harvest exponentially. These lights can only realistically over so many sq. ft. of floor space. Raising the light will get you more coverage, but the further away it is from the plant, the less effect it has on the plant so you need to be able to raise and lower your light to get the most out of it is what I'm trying to say...not be forced to raise your lighting just so it will cover all the plants you've got going in the space. If you want to flower a bunch of plants, you'll have to get more lights. When I first started back years ago, I too thought that more plants was the way to go. However, I smartened up shortly and realized that I get more weight from less plants because each plant gets optimum conditions. We use 4, 1000 watt HPS lights per flower room (approximately 10 x 14) and only flower 2 plants per light on a 10 week cycle and this has gotten our yield per plant to between 3.5 and 4 ounces after harvest and cure. I'm sure I could and probably should be getting more, but considering where I started, I'm pretty tickled with that. LOL If you've grown before, it'll come back to you. It's definitely not rocket science or I wouldn't be doing it myself. LOL Keep it as simple as possible and use what you've got in the most effective way possible. Best of luck! TWW
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  3. #3 Pistils, Jan 19, 2017
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2017
    I have a magnifying glass and a very good microscope if that isn't good enough so I'll just check it occasionally.

    I started with 25 plants, I always start more than I need because of the time I got 9 out of 10 males. After 2 hermies and a bunch of males I'm at 9 females in a 4x4 with a 400w HPS.

    Don't have the heart to kill off any females... And too late to switch any back to veg. But I'll keep that in mind for future grows.


    I should have started them all at the same time and done a scrog especially since they're all bagseed, but never got around to it.. so I have to use boxes and whatnot to try to even out the canopy. Definitely does need to be cleaned and organised better tho.
  4. It's gonna be a while dude, kick back and enjoy watching them start looking like weed!
  5. I figured it would be a while, wanted to get an idea of how long but when they get closer if I'm still unsure I'll take some pics with microscope camera of the trichs
    First thing I do each morning is see how much it's grown :) crazy how much they can grow in even just 1 day.
  6. That looks like about 4-5 weeks in bud to me. You have at least 2-3 weeks left. I get tired of people telling everyone that looking at the color of the glands is the end all be all sign that a plant is done. Pay attention to the plant itself. It's still pushing out a bunch of healthy new pistils. When a plant is done it will stop putting out new pistils. They will change orange/brown/red. They will retract back into the calyx and the calyx will swell. This happens at the top of the plant first. When the tops look completely done you can look at the bottom of the plant and you will still have white pistils.

    How done your glands look depends on where you take your sample. If you sample the top only you'll cut it down too soon because the glands on the top will look done when the middle of the plant needs another week. That's one reason many people do partial harvesting. They remove the large tops and let the rest of the plant fully mature.
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  7. Yea I was planning on chopping the top half when it's done and letting the bottom finish for a week for two.

    Thanks for the info
  8. Different strains act differently but you're still in preflower. Be patient because if you are only looking at hairs they will almost look ready and then full in flower hits and they double in diameter. Many new white pistols will emerge and calphyx will fatten up
  9. There are some strains particularly skunks that finish with lots of white hairs still. You do have to know your plant but in my experience a plant looks done when it's done and that includes a lack of new pistils for sure. It's usually accompanied by lots of yellowing of the leaves. I don't even look at my glands anymore. It's fun but I'd rather watch the whole plant.

    This is my plant I'm cutting down this weekend. Fall colors mean harvest. GDP I have almost no white hairs left at only 7 weeks. She is a fast finisher.
  10. A 60X or 100 X jewelers loupe is super cheap from ebay , but takes awhile to get in the mail

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