Week 7 since switch

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Ragnar6185, Nov 20, 2022.

  1. It's week 7 since I did the switch to 12/12 ideally I'd like to start flushing today, I have some plants that the pistils have turned completely brown others maybe only 20% or if they are brown top third of the plant and still white the bottom 2/3, no sign of the plants fan leaves dieing and all the trichomes are still cloudy this is my first harvest any advice ?

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  2. Flushing is unnecessary.
  3. As in you don't need to do it ?

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  4. Correct.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. What do you guys do if the top half is food to harvest but the bottom half is not

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  6. harvest the top and leave the bottom to finish.
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  7. Thanks

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  8. Flushing is a stoner myth.
    It does nothing for the plant except for starving it at the most important time for bud growth.
    You can't flush nutes from a plant......all you can do is leach salts from the soil.
    The key is to not over-feed.
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  9. These 2 buds grew to close to light with no more space and sit about 8 inches from it and been that close for a few weeks now the brown on the bud is not rot just brown pistils I think from light stress it has caused flowers to grow on flowers ?? Also the leaves did not look like that about 2 days ago they were straight and looking intact what's caused them to form like that folding in and curling ?as the light has not effected them for all this time 20221120_192721.jpg 20221120_192804.jpg

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  10. Nice observation, that is called light bleaching. It happens when your plant is close to the lights it can/will foxtail when it grows skinny and tall nodes buds. Get light bleached and turn white so the hairs never turn brown. Leafs curl like that which iuno if it’s a term but I call it “taco-ing”.

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  11. The flowers growing on flowers is called foxtailing. It is a stress response, probably from the light. Kinda a pain because now you have buds developing at different times, but not really that bad.
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  12. Anytime i chop i remove a fan leaf and squeeze out the liquid and taste it. if its bitter i water until it taste clean. if i don't its a harsher smoke.i've never heard anyone else doing the leaf trick, so gl if you want to try it. also if you over feed your plant during flower the whole time its probably going to be harsher and i dont think you can do anything about that.
  13. Well now…
    That’s a new oneo_O
    • Funny Funny x 1

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