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Weeds effect on intelligence

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Green Rain, Oct 14, 2014.

  1. I'm making this thread because I would like to here other peoples personal experiences on how weed affects there mind. Ill start by saying for 2 months I smoked at least once a day sometimes 2/3 times a day iv now started to cut back and only smoke on weekends because it was having a bad effect on my mind... in my personal opinion  
    Here is what I feel happens to me well under the influence of weed
    -Memory Diminished
    -Thought processing slowed 
    -Couldn't see the big picture
    I know that weed effects everyone differently and different strains and potency's can also have different effects on people as well. But if anyone has had a similar experience to my own or possibly the complete opposite I would love to here what you have to say  

  2. #2 DabsOnTheMountain, Oct 15, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 15, 2014
    I've been smoking for 7 years, 4 daily. Up to 7x a day. No tolerance breaks besides a couple times where i had greater priorities with my money, only a week or two here and there, i only remember this happening a couple times. I've been dabbing exclusively now for 6 months as well. They both have their own seperate pros and cons, but ill just do weed in general.
    It makes the bullshit in life nothing. Stress free constantly. I still take things seriously though, i'm always asked why i'm always so serious.
    Thought process slowed (a bonus for me)
    I have emphysema now. I never smoked tobacco. I'm only 19. And i have Emphysema. It's from MJ. I could be a test subject if the right people found out.
    Money issues. As mentioned before, if moneys tight, i stop smoking, but imagine how much more money you would have if you didn't smoke.
  3. cant really say you have emphysema from pot it is very likely something else, cant pinpoint it on one thing..
  4. I'm a daily smoker, usually several small sessions equaling 1 to 2 grams per day. I don't really keep up but on average about 1/4 per week or 1oz per month.

    I use mj to treat ADHD and anxiety issues in place of prescription meds. Smoking, while slowing my thought process, allows me to better multitask and solve technical problems.

    I can't really think of any cons, since quitting smoking cigs my lungs are great, my weed cost almost nothing, and I don't let it effect me negatively.
  5. Interesting. What is your height and weight and how long have you been that height/weight.
    Did you live with someone who did smoke cigarettes? That is pretty rare for even tobacco smokers before 50ish.
  7. Smoking never personally affected my intelligence. I study ethnobotany & shamanism, abnormal adolescent psychology, horticulture, and metaphysics. This requires a LOT of reading and a lot of papers to write. Maybe I'm weird because I enjoy it, but I've smoked pretty consistently for a long time now, and the only time I ever experience noticeable effects  is when I'm super duper blitzed and my concentration/short term memory are a little sub-par. Nothing that really influences my cognitive abilities though.  
    It's all in your head, man.  :smoke:
  8. #9 DabsOnTheMountain, Oct 15, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 15, 2014
    5'5" since i was around 14. I used to be in the 180s, i hit 200 once. Im 150/160 now.
    Nope. Never. Rarely even around people who did.
    I have great lung function, i can work and run and do whatever, but the doc says my lungs are shit. And apparently they really are. I had an asthma attack and since my lung tissue is so weak the pressure caused tubes to burst and for me to drop a lung. I was in the hospital for 4 days. It's back to normal now, but a pneumothorax from asthma says something about how tough your lungs really are...
    It's the main reason why i dab now. It's vaping. flash vaping, but vaping. I would assume it's better for my lungs. And i seem to have noticed better lung function from dabbing exclusively over time. I'm switching to edibles altogether once i can grow. If i get any worse from dabbing i'm done until then.
    I am having trouble believing that so young unless you had really bad lung function before, or you smoked something or out of something you were not supposed to a few too many times. 
  10. #11 DabsOnTheMountain, Oct 15, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 15, 2014
    Glass? Paper? Weed?
    I can't prove it to you, and you don't have to believe it. But I saw the look on my doctors face when he said i had emphysema. I had some asthma as a kid but i was always the one who could hold his breath the longest. I still have excellent lungs, i don't get out of breath, Ever. But i do get asthma occasionally every now and then. I hiked 20.2 miles in one day two weeks ago. I rode my bike 50 miles once at 17 in one day too. I remember never even wheezing. I have good lungs, but i saw the pictures from the MRI, and by the time i'm 30 ill feel it.
    Smoke is smoke. It's hot, theres tar.
    Accept that it causes damage.
    I probably won't die from it, but i might not be able to walk upstairs someday...
    If you don't want any damage, then vape or make edibles.
  11. Pros:
      I don't kill or harm anyone
     Music sounds better
     Food tastes better
    Sex feels better
    Movies and magazine are more interesting
    I sleep better
    Lowers my BSL
    Makes me laugh
    Great way to make new friends
    Easier to meditate
    damn expensive
    Ilegal on a federal basis
    People complain about the smell
    Can't seem to enjoy life without it.
    Tooting my own horn here, but its for a point. I just got into a masters degree in artificial intelligence and have a bachelors in informatics; coding, mathematics and psychology
    Weed helped me get there; not so much by making me sharper or quicker, but giving me an appreciation for my life and the opportunities I can make for myself in them. Weed also helped me get in physical shape by pushing me into jujitsu, giving me the wisdom that being sorta chubby and weak isn't going to help me get the women I'd like 
    TLDR; The best function of weed is as an introspective tool for self-reflection and motivation. Find your flaws, understand them, and start planning a pathway out of them. Saved my fucking life
  13. The only negative things that I've experience with pot is that it destroys my motivation and slows down my thought process

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  14. Better than crappy non-specific and toxic prescription drugs sold by glorified crack dealers in suits and ties and made in glorified meth labs by the ton, with crappy side effects like growing tits in boys and risk of suicide. Wow, what great drugs we push legally, huh.
    Pot replaces so many crappy pills for me it's ridiculous the legal situation with cannabis exists at all.
  15. #16 Alaric, Oct 15, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 15, 2014
    No I believe you and I know it causes damage but to say you were in great respiratory health is a stretch for someone who had asthma. So you actually had to do the spirometry lung test, where you blew into a machine, right? Also it can kill you, indirectly. And also people do respiratory fail after being extubated if they have weak lungs, then have to get a trachea. And if you cannot be extubated then you lay there and your limbs turn black (this takes i dunno 3 weeks or a month, no real idea I just know it happens because my sister is health professional), and they amputate...
  16. Yup, i don't remember the results, but things still seemed fine.
    And thanks a lot for telling me what happens... but odds are i won't get any worse.
  17. personally the only negative effect i've found about cannabis is that it's illegal.

    Smoked since high school and did really really good with study and scores n all that, but i got caught by a teacher once when i was buying a small amount and was luckily just suspended for like 2 and a bit months, still smashed out the study high af at home though lol.

    But if anything it made me smarter, gave me a different point of view to look at life from, and it's mad fun being high

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  18. Pros:

    Helps you appreciate everything around you


    When you appreciate everything around you, you no longer obsess over trivial shit like money and status so the government outlawed it
  19. Pros: useful for contemplation/meditation
    helps me separate the real from the fake, focusing on what is important/meaningful and not stressing over or caring about the other stuff.
    helps with creativity
    helps with deep thinking, especially introspection. I have had many epiphanies about myself when high. 
    helps imagination...... and as Einstein said "Imagination is more important than knowledge."
    helps with longterm memory making it more vivid and visual. 
    Cons (at high doses): slight short term memory impairment
    slight impairment with complex mental activities. for example a math problem with many, different steps and lots of pieces of information
    Conclusion: These are just effects on intelligence. Obviously there are many other pros and a few other cons not related to intelligence. In general I find it has positive effects on creative thinking, and is useful for things like philosophy/psychology, especially in areas of thinking where there is no wrong/right answer, where it aides deep thinking and inspires epiphanies and helps makes connections. However it has negative effects on highly systematic mental activities, especially those with lots of steps, and where there is only a right answer. Substances effect different people in different ways. I value marijuana very highly, but I also think it is important to acknowledge it is not a miracle plant and that it does have some disadvantages in some situations. 

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