Weed Virgin; Tip for a noob to enjoy life

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by weedvirgin15, Jul 26, 2019.


Best way to enjoy a high

  1. Edibles

    0 vote(s)
  2. smoking/vaping

  1. Hello, I'm still new to consumption of weed. So far I've done edibles (total of 6x experience 2 great, 4 bad). I seem to have a hard time figuring out how to consume the right amount to get the full experience. I seem to over shoot and get really sick. The only time I ever seem to get it right is if I wait a 3 month sober wait before having another try. (success was 1 year wait and 50 mg thc pill, another was 2 months sober, 1 take of CBD and another month wait before another 50mg thc pill)(bad, taking 75mg +) smoking and vaping isn't appealing to me, it seems like my only option in order to enjoy the high, problem is, it doesn't work =\ I bought one, took 9 puffs, and felt nothing. Am I doing it wrong? I tried with a regular just inhale activation pen, and a pen with a button to pre heat and turn on. Nothing's happened and I'm wondering if there's such a thing as vaping doesn't work or not enough or just puffing wrong. Or maybe it's just a different experience than an edible? The closest thing i got was getting a little dizzy/light headed but it may have been from so many inhalation of trying to vape right.
  2. Are you using it for medical reasons? I ask because I’ve never seen someone try so hard to use cannabis.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  3. Me either, i gotta stizzy vape pen that i ordered and after maybe 4 or 5 puffs im lit haha. Or i can take some flower toke in a bong, pipe, and usually after 4 or 5 good hits im baked lol

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  4. Fo schizzny?

    When does school start up?
  5. How old are you?
    I have problems with edibles. I have gotten really high. I have gotten really sick. I have felt nothing at all. It's very inconsistent for me.
  6. Half and half reason. I developed abdominal pain in which sometimes I can't walk without pain and need to put off surgery till next year. other is for fun as I tend to stress a lot. I need something steady instead of getting sick all the time
  7. 27. Had my first try last year in the summer.
  8. You're health should come before anything dude go have surgery lol
  9. Surgery isn't scheduled till next year
    • Informative Informative x 1
  10. Oh damn I thought u meant you was putting it off yourself :laughing:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. nope! lol shoot I'd have it today if I could but can't. Edibles knock me out to the point of being bed redden so something controllable is needed to manage a while when I'm at work or school.
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