1. i have built a grow room but i am concerned about the smell. I am going to build a carbon filter but im not quite sure where to get the carbon from. I was wondering if i could buy a bag of charcoal and crush it. Would this do the same job as it is still carbon.
  2. its better just to buy one from a grow shop they dont cost to much
  3. No...

    Your local aquarium store will sell activated charcoal...won't be particularly cheap though unless you buy it in bulk...
  4. thanks ill try that
  5. I have found some activated carbon on ebay its £5.99 for a 500g bag. will this do the job. I have tried to put a pic on here of the product but cant seem to work out how i do it. so here is the item number for ebay. could someone have a look and let me know please. 160906437746
  6. pet stores man
  7. can anyone help with smell?
  8. ona block
    carbon filter
    an ozone generator
    lots of air freshner

    They are your options

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