I planted some skunk in my backyard garden. I cut it and hung the buds to dry and then I left the cut the stem in the bag it was growing in and the weed grew back. This has never happened before and I'm flabbergasted. Can someone give me an explanation. Sent from my SM-G960U using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Not that unusual. I had it happen a few times when I left the stump and it had a viable tip left on it to grow out from. The second season usually is a less vigorous plant then the first time but still nothing to be ashamed of. I'd say the second season put out about 70% as much bud as the first grow did. Usually happened on a spring plant and it revegs in late may-early June. BNW
Plants want to live! I pulled a couple of clones I have no need for anymore and tossed them aside a few days ago. One of em is dead, and the other one is re-rooting in the soil. It doesn't even look shocked -- just sort of put out.
Another one that grew back and budded pretty quickly Sent from my SM-G960U using Grasscity Forum mobile app