Weed Really Fucked Up My Life

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Breh, Feb 17, 2009.

  1. Marijuana got me addicted and now i kill babies!!!!!!!!!

  2. I second that.
  3. Cannabis made me realise that things really are simplier and materialism is not the way to live life. If legal alot of people would find that out, Thus ruining corp world. DUN DUN DUN

  4. I feel you, bro. Me being a gay teenager, life was always hard. Kids were mean to me, kids harassed me, and i couldnt find a way to accept myself for who i am. I was a very insecure person, i was depressed, suicidal, hurting, and i needed to find a way to gain my confidence back. Therapy NEVER worked, all those different pills they perscribed to me made me a completely different person. Not to mention i have extremely bad Insomnia and sleep anxiety, and the pills they always perscribed to me made me feel weird and groggy. things needed to change.

    Two years ago, i was hanging with my close friend, and he had decided to intoduce me to weed; That was the day my life changed. I loved the feeling of the "high" instantly. it started as a weekend thing, nothing to serious, then i started to start reasearching it, and getting into the whole weed community, and really started to grow a love for marijuana. (no, not addiction) I started smoking more often, leading to where i am now, I smoke a bowl every night, and all through the weekends. I'm proud to say weed has made my life better, and made myself a happier, more confident, and friendly person. It made me feel alive again. I was making LOTS of new, nice, friends, people stopped harrassing me, and i lost ALL of my depression.

    Im posting this to show how weed, has made my life better, and made me a better person.
    And im still the same person inside. Ive managed to keep my grades crisp, Im more involved with my family, and i have still kept all my hobbies/interests, Ect. Ive even found more new hobbies like painting, drawing, Mixing techno, sculpting, and so on. I also never have to deal with my insomnia anymore, weed is the only thing that gives me a good, long, resting, sleep, and i fall asleep almost instantly now. If i hadnt turned to weed, i dont know where i'd be. I love where i am, who i am, and the life im living. Thank you so much, maryjane. You've changed my life.
  5. Funny how 14 states have legal medical marijuana :rolleyes:

    yeah no medical value or anything....
  6. picked me up, replaced my alcohol and ecstasy binging, given me some really good times and brought me closer to my friends and parents and taught me valuable things i dont think i'd have learned if i didnt smoke
  7. Weed has kept me from blowing my brains out all over my beautiful white walls.:D
  8. that right there is a pretty ridiculous statement. Why would you want it legalized if it had no true benefits for anyone than just being "hihg" go study up on some medical studies then come back.:wave:
  9. I love MJ some much I started smoking 2 years ago when I started having servere stomach pains(tumur in my pancreas and throwing up all the time then I started to smoke MJ it has helped me so much by helping with the pain and getting the munchies, and that all around good high theres "no other way of life"

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