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Weed Prices?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by CoreyR, Jan 6, 2009.

  1. Anyone know prices for mids and dank up near Rochester, NY?
  2. Bump...
  3. how far is rochester from long island?
  4. im in rochester, i havent bought in like 6 months, but i used to pay like 45-60 for an eighth of good nuggs
  5. up in rochester it shouldnt be more that 50 an eight, i use to pick up danks for 45 up there
  6. shit bro in crochester you can get anything. an oz for $100, 1/8th of dank for $60...usually around $40 for an eight of regs though
  7. yea i usually get 5 nicks for 100 dollars, there pretty fat so i guess you could say i smoke alot of weed!

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