Weed on earth day

Discussion in 'General' started by cheebaa, Apr 22, 2006.

  1. Hello all.
    It is earth day today and I am celebrating by smoking what nature gives us. I kinda feel bad though because it's kinda anti-earthday to be smoking isn't it? what ever :smoking:

  2. It's not really anti- or pro-Earth Day. What do you perceive Earth Day to be about? :cool:
  3. I didn't know Earth Day was today...

    I was either going to hit the bong or smoke a cigar. Since it's earth day....I guess I'll do both.
  4. dude fuck that. weed comes from the earth! you are celebrating!
  5. To find out a bit about Earth Day:


    Earth Day Network, founded by the organizers of the first Earth Day in 1970, promotes environmental citizenship and year round progressive action worldwide. Earth Day Network has become an innovative and respected leader in the environmental movement around the world, working with more than 12,000 organizations in 174 countries. Our domestic programs support the work of more than 3,000 groups and thousands of schools engaged in community development and environmental awareness throughout the year.

    Earth Day Network works year round to broaden the environmental movement through education and the formation of ongoing programs and partnerships that affect change at the local, national and international level. Our mission is to broaden the environmental movement worldwide and to educate and mobilize people, governments, and corporations to take responsibility for a clean and healthy environment. In support of our mission, we have developed and implemented a number of ongoing programs and campaigns.
  6. I guess I'll smoke some salvia, and maybe a few bowls.
  7. i didn't even know there was an EARTH DAY..

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