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Weed making me motivated, focused, giving me epiphanies

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by rainfall34, Nov 28, 2020.

  1. #1 rainfall34, Nov 28, 2020
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2020
    Ok, so today I did two toke sessions with a joint I rolled until I reached my sweet spot. I don't remember which strain I used to roll it. It might have been the Orange Cookies strain 'cause it feels like a sativa. On the comedown of my high, somehow it's been bringing problems into my focus, it's given me some epiphanies, and it has made me motivated. It's made me realize that I need to tackle these problems dead on. I don't know if that's because I got really high or if that's a side effect of the sativa. How do I keep this motivation and keep applying it to my sober life? Is this what a sativa feels like?
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  2. That is a wonderful Sativa high. I try hard to tune in to exactly what I'm thinking/feeling so I can recreate the feeling later. If I have an epiphany while high and still think it's a good idea when I'm sober, I'm on to something good.
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  3. i had this convo with my friend of why we are able to come to these revelations and epiphanies while high. my theory is when you're high, it lifts a layer of creativity and able to let u think of shit u never would b4.
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  4. I think particularly with sativa you think of things you wouldn't while sober. That's the creative aspect of the high, your mind wanders to places it normally doesn't go to.

    Write down stuff you think of while high and look at them the next morning so you're aware of it and you can decide to apply it if you want.
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  5. I did 2 toke sessions with a joint I rolled. It was a strain called Sugar Haze, it's a sativa. It has 22.16% THC. The high was great. I'm on the comedown now and I feel really motivated and focused.
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  6. Weed can be like that. I don't have much "drug experience" honestly in terms of trying other substances but from the substances I have used and the research I've done and testimonies I've heard, definitely psychedelics (which weed does basically fall into although not as a hallucinogen) give the most insightful and introspective experiences.

    Weed for sure has it's moments where it makes you think about things and feel things that are just fucking beautiful and breathtaking. I feel like so much of life just makes you feel numb. So much becomes routine and nonchalant and it's only exacerbated when life sucks and you're depressed. Weed comes along and allows you to see things in a different way, in a positive way. And nothing about it feels forced or synthetic, and it's not. It's nature. Just doing it's nature thing. Being beautiful.
  7. #7 rainfall34, Nov 30, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2020
    Hey, I got a question. Does the time of the day have a big impact on how high you get? Like say if I smoked a sativa at night (I know, bad idea) it won't get me as high or won't have much of an effect, but if I do it in the morning or afternoon, I'll be able to feel the effects of the high?

    Edit: Ok, so I just smoked half of my joint with Sugar Haze. Man, that stuff left me feeling inspired, motivated, and focused. It actually gave me some ideas, like I should buy my own food and make my own meals and hopefully lose some weight. There was one feeling where I felt like I was in control of my life. It gave me the inspiration to do a workout. I guess I now know why sativa is an energetic and head high while indica is more of a relaxing and body high and why sativa should be taken in the daytime and indica should be taken at nighttime.

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