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Weed is making me dizzy (Experienced smoker)

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by someoneok, Sep 10, 2017.

  1. #1 someoneok, Sep 10, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2017
    I used to smoke weed almost every day.. for years.. then one day.. I cut my finger really bad doing yard work. I lost a lot of blood. I hadn't eaten all day.. that night.. i smoked a little weed. one hit from the pipe. I got really dizzy.. and felt like i was going to pass out. I made my way up the stairs to get help. my vision went black on the way up the steps.. i was almost falling over on the way up.. by the time i got up there.. my vision came back, but i was sweaty and pale, asking for my parents to take me to the hospital. They brought me to the hospital.. the doc stitched up the cut on my finger, and ignored anything about me almost passing out. Ever since that night.. when i smoke.. i get this dizzy feeling. It's never been as bad as that first night, but all I've been able to handle is just the smallest hit, and even that sometimes makes me feel the dizziness approaching. I know if I take a big hit like I want too.. It's gonna happen! It's uncomfortable, and terrible to have to worry about feeling this horrible dizziness every time i "try" to smoke weed. I have tried many different types. One type.. I couldn't even handle the smallest hit. That strand was purple in color. Others.. I can handle just a small hit.. Can't find regular weed anymore these days.. This is a real problem. It can happen to anyone. It is a nightmare, and I'm becoming an alcoholic now :( I need to solve this problem. I need answers. Please help me.

  2. You greened out man aka pulled a whitey It's nothing to worry about lol had you eaten anything that day?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. I hadn't eaten anything all day that day, and I lost blood. This never happened before that night. Now it's happening every time. Even when I do eat, and my blood stays in my body. I used to be able to smoke as much as I wanted. There was never this limitation. Never once since the first day I smoked did I ever get dizzy or green out. Weed has always been my best friend.
    • Like Like x 1

  4. Yeah you deffo greened out man happened to me a while ago when I hadn't eaten anything and decided to smoke a bowl of kief lol and I'm a daily smoker it's nothing to worry about man
  5. I have smoked a lot on an empty stomach before. Why now? I have also, since that night, been eating every time before taking my "baby hits". I still feel the dizziness coming around the corner.
    • Like Like x 1
  6. You are probably mentally associating that day with smoking. Just make sure you eat first, are in a relaxed environment and keep a sugary drink on hand which will bring you out of it
    • Agree Agree x 2
  7. From what I learned in my research so far.. This is good advice, I've just been afraid to go over my limit, and test this. Get in to the "dizzy state", and bring myself out of it with a sugary drink. I'm trying to find out why. I figure the best way to test this is too eat and drink a bunch of food and sugar before I smoke. I want to prevent it from happening in the first place. Every time it happens.. I get upset, and give up.. then go drink for the next two weeks because ironically.. alcohol isn't giving me the dizzies :( I'm trying to figure out exactly what "it" is. This dizzy state that rushes in when i go over my tiny limit. I don't believe it's all in my head. I feel strongly that it is a physical thing. Something that resulted from the blood loss.. but i'm open to the idea that it's in my head.. If that was the case, and i knew it wouldn't hurt me. I would do the ultimate test, smoke an entire gram, and fight through it! ..but that wouldn't be a good idea if this was a medical issue.

  8. It Happens to everyone man I greened out after mowing the lawn on an empty stomach and I'd smoked lots of times without eating before, fuck knows why it happened man I had a full blown panic attack when it happened to me lol it wasn't the best experience
  9. You are aware of this feeling and when you get high it will amplify the feeling
    If you work your way back up slowly knowing it's all in your head you should be fine.
    Hey think of all the money you will save on weed now.

    Keep an eye on it , you may have low blood pressure to begin with,
    smoking weed will also cause your BP to drop causing a dizzy feeling.
    Take your BP when you are high next time.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. #10 someoneok, Sep 10, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2017
    I think the first night i had the full blown panic attack too. One more attack after that.. I was taking baby hits, and got a little brave. This is why I'm so afraid when the dizziness starts coming on, because i think it will lead to that panic experience. I wish i could know whether this was in my head.. and the dizziness was me bordering on a panic attack.. i would talk to a doctor about getting on anxiety medication.. Always had reasons to panic in the past, but never did. If they were panic attacks. I never had a panic attack in my life that wasn't related to weed. I just want more than anything to have the ability to take just one big hit again, and feel high instead of dizzy.

  11. Just take baby hits on a bong or smoke joints imo joints don't get me as high as a bong lol, + try get into the right frame of mind before smoking weed bro as a lot of the time I've felt anxious and shit before smoking has only made it worst
  12. It's just terrible. I used to get anxious sometimes from weed, but it was pleasurable. the butterflies felt good. It's been so long, a baby hit is all i need.. but i want that huge hit before playing video games, or listening to music. I want to remove the limitation.
  13. I'm all too aware of it because it's foreign to me. I'm not used to it. I have the blood pressure monitor, and a blood glucose monitor. Just hate the idea of having to keep causing this feeling to find out what it is and how to prevent it. My life sucks right now. That feeling really brings me down, and I'm just trying to get high. Each failed attempt is like a beating. So far.. i guess it's either low blood pressure, low blood sugar, lack of fluid or nutrients, or all in my freakin' head.

  14. Have you tried drinking alcohol with your weed? After I had my first panic attack I started going with a bong/joint wait till I've had 2 beers then hit the bong again then 2 more beers then bong/joint again
  15. It sounds like you're having a drama attack.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. You mean a panic attack ? I just smoked a very small hit. I feel good. but i feel the dizziness very slightly. Not enough to feel terrible, but enough to let me know, if i take another hit.. it's on. I know because I crossed that limit before. Is it possible to "border" on a panic attack, and only reach it with more weed? This feeling is no longer something that involves panicking. It's just that I get uncomfortably dizzy
  17. Well maybe it's time to get a complete physical and see where you stand health wise
    It may be your body saying knock it off.
  18. It is time for the physical, but why the heck wouldn't my body say "knock off the cigarettes, or the alcohol" ?

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