Weed Blackout

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by robone, Jul 18, 2008.

  1. oh and Youngdee dont let somethin like that tear you away from such a great think like weed. its just you didnt eat anything. you shouldnt be worried just ce careful next time. annd yeah the danker it is, the harder you fall
  2. Sorta happened to me once. I smoked like 6 bowls with a few friends, then looked at his laundry pile and thought it looked comfy. I sat down because someone kicked me in the nuts, and the second I sat down I fell over backwards and passed out. I woke to another person trying to elbow me in the nuts.
    In case you haven't noticed, my friends are rough when they're high!
  3. Yea wow k, I'm glad I'm reading these. Because I used to be a relatively heavy stoner.. I had quit about 2 months ago, and twice now, both times I got baked, I experienced a mini passing out/black out for like 30 seconds. The first time I assumed it was b/c low blood sugar with lack of sleep and had been drinking the night before, oh and low tolerance?? And the second time I was super tired, had already smoked a few bowls hours before, and had then took some bong rips. I don't really know if I ate that much that day, probably not After a cigarette, we went into the hot tub. Within 10 minutes I got out and sat on a chair because it had gotten too hot. I started feeling that like overcoming of blacking out. I stood up to go inside and I guess I hit the pavement because I awoken with my buddy trying to get me up. I feel like I did it again after getting in to the kitchen but who knows.. after laying on the couch for 5 minutes it kind of goes away and I'm able to stay up for awhile, if laying down. I have a pretty big bump on my head though. :/ It's a bummer, I've smoked millions of times, and this shit has happened last 2 times I've gotten blazed.
  4. it was laced most likely.
  5. I also had this happen to me once. I was at my friends house in a circle of about 3 or 4 people. We had been smoking cones over the past hour or two, and i had reached that point where i knew if i had any more i'd green.

    Then one of my friends decides to pull out this 3 or 4 gram Juicy Jay he had saved for the end of our session! I knew that this was going to put me on my ass, but i still smoked that shit anyway. Anyway, we finish it and i'm feeling super uncomfortable.

    We make our way upstairs to chill with our other friends on the deck. As soon as i get out there i start to lose my vision, i can't see shit and i start to drop in and out of consciousness. My friends think this is hilarious but i felt awful.

    Anyway they laid me down on the floor infront of the TV as i was coming right and we were watching 'The pursuit of happiness'. I was unbelievably stoned after the fainting, i couldnt feel my body and my head was in the clouds! It felt so surreal. I have NEVER been that high since.

    Anyway as we were watching this movie, i was too baked to understand the plot at all, and there is a scene where Will Smith and his kid are sleeping in a toilet because they had no home or some shit, i was just like "Wtf???".

    I also didn't eat alot that day, so i blame it on low blood pressure.
  6. i get that....but everytime i lose ALL my energy and just fall uncontrollably.once after tokin a packed skunk joint, i blacked out then i came to and everything was a navy blue colour
  7. wtf you people are crazy.. never in my life blacked out from weed.. and i smoke mass amounts of dank.
  8. That happened to me the first time I got high. That's actually what made me join GrassCity.
  9. No need to worry. Its a combination of low blood sugar and being oxygen-deficient in the brain. My friend once did this, he took a big rip and was holding his breath so he wouldn't cough, lo and behold his brain didn't have enough oxygen and did a reset, which is what happens when you black out.

    I used to black out recreationally, you can see some crazy shit, however its very disorienting if it happens when you aren't expecting it.

    To prevent it in the future? Take big breaths full of air between hits. Take slightly smaller hits, and don't hold them for more than 3 seconds. Make sure you've drank enough water and eaten enough to be comfortable before smoking.

    All of these should make for a happy black out sesh.

    P.S. when my friend blacked out he slammed against his house and cut his back on a shovel. He made a shitload of noise, we woke him up and he didn't talk for 15 minutes, then just said "Wait what the fuck happened?" he was very confused. This is not uncommon but can easily be prevented. Good luck :smoke:
  10. To clarify it has nothing to do with the quality of the weed, or blood pressure. Its all about the amount of oxygen to the brain. In a sense it could be correlated to low blood pressure because if you stand up too quickly you start to black out, but all the low blood pressure is doing is causing less oxygen to get to the brain, there for the actual causal factor is low oxygen levels in the brain.
  11. Same thing happened to me last night. After my friend and I finished joint I started to fell strange. Suddenly everything was very bright (just like when I stand up too quickly) told my friend that I need to sit down and next thing I remember I was lying on the floor and my friend was calling my name. I got up almost immediately we checked here for similar experiences and soon after we started to joke about it. Next morning felt just fine.

    I was a bit exhausted; haven't ate properly and rode a bike after a month of not doing anything but sitting and smoking. And we were smoking that joint while standing. I noticed that I can sit and smoke, I can walk and smoke but if I just stand and smoke I get a bit dizzy so that must have contributed to the blackout.
  12. same shit happened to me once in high school. On my way to school, I smoked a big bowl of shake with my make shift bubbler. I was sitting in my first hour economic class taking a vocabulary quiz when I completely blacked out for about 10 or 15 seconds. I managed to remain cool while this happened because i really did not want any attention from the class. But i could feel the blood in my face thin up and roll down to my stomach.
    Freaked the shit out of me though.
  13. Sounds like you were freakin out maaaaaan. totally greenin out bruuh
  14. Not quite but... I greened out twice. The second time was 2 times. And the second second time the person I was with thought I was dead for a few seconds (a few seconds seems like hours in that situation). My lips turned blue and I quit breathing. All I remember was a feeling like I was floating in a sunset lit sky with 2 birds flying over my head. Then I awoke to being shaken and panic stricken people all around me. It was crazy. And the very first time I had to be dragged into my house and put to bed. The room was spinning and all I did was smoke. And I had been smoking and drinking before that night. Shit was weird as hell.

    The first time I think it was too much too fast.

    The other 2 we pretty much determined after heart tests and stuff that it was low blood sugar. Not low enough to be diabetic but low enough for it to fuck with me if it feels like it.

    I haven't had a problem since and I've been smoking daily. This was the summer that just passed. The first was when I was like... 13 I think.
  15. I've "blacked out" a few times from weed. One time in high school at a wiz concert- it was a Florida summer day, I was high af, it was no surprise I fainted-, but recently I've had a few occurrences at home just from taking one huge hit each time. It's completely different from the passing out at the concert though. It'd happen from hitting some really potent weed. The first time, I basically took a huge hit from the bong, held it in, and as soon as I exhale all of it, I'd start to feel my body getting weak. After that, I sat back and it was as if I'd lost 10-20 sec of my life. Everything went black and blurry and it felt like my mind was everywhere (not in a good way). I couldn't catch my thoughts and it felt like my head was imploding whilst being unconscious and unaware of what was happening. When I woke up/came back to reality, my body was cold and starting to sweat, my heart was racing, and my shins felt like they had been hit with a hammer. I couldn't understand why my shins were in so much pain, but I think I must've repeatedly and unknowingly banged em against the table when I was out for those 10-20 seconds- I had bruises on both for a couple days. Another occurrence was yesterday when I hit some master Kush in my roommates bubbler. I hadn't smoked in almost a week, but I took one giant rip, held it for a bit, exhaled and immediately, I felt the same familiar feeling of my body starting to get weak. I voluntarily layed on the ground knowing it was about to happen again, and again it did. Inside my head, I felt the same thing with my brain painfully racing and when I woke up 10-15 seconds later, my body felt the same as it did the first time- heart racing, cold, fingers shaking, and I felt really unsteady on my feet. I'm not scared for my life or anything when this happens, but I'm definitely looking for answers and curious if this happens to anyone else as often as it does to me. I'm an active and healthy college student, I'm not a big drinker, never smoke cigs.

    Let me know

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