Weed And The Army!?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by CharO0ne, Nov 20, 2010.

  1. I'm officially joining the army reserves and heading to MEPS next week so I'll be swearing in and dedicating 6 years of my life to this. But I'm worried about those darn random drug tests! If I move in my own place, I will be starting a grow and itll be hella annoying to have to postpone smoking for 6 years :mad:

    Any have any advice about this? Or experience?!

  2. This = win :metal:
  3. Bro if you're more worried about being able to smoke weed then signing away 6 years of your life to the Army, you need to straighten out your priorities.
  4. dont smoke. depending on your chain of command its possible to get a dishonorable discharge which can really fuck you over. and if your "devoting" six years of your life to it, that means not smoking. shoulda been prepared for that.
  5. #5 CharO0ne, Nov 20, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 20, 2010
    Did I say I was more worried? I'm asking mainly out of curiosity, do you really think I'd choose weed over my own life? :rolleyes: I clearly said it would be annoying, not a deal breaker. I know you cant smoke in the army, I'm asking about how they do their drug testing, but apparently you people can t read so whatever.

  6. to be fair, most people ask about drug tests to see if they can find a way around them.
  7. I would play it safe and not smoke. Maybe grow and make a little cash, but I'd just use k2 or something, its not worth getting caught.
  8. Drug tests can be issued whenever your CO wants one. Take a 6 year T-break

  9. Well I'm not like most people, not to sound like a smart ass.The army has become a very significant part of my life now, and I'm not one of the idiots looking for a way to get around the rules. I just wanted to know how they do drug testing, which was answered, so thanks.

  10. yea man i feel ya. im goin in for six years active, hopefully goin to ranger school at some point. signing my contract in the next 2 weeks or so.
  11. Wow, same here except I'm not going active. College and all...

    I went to MEPS a couple days ago and had to get a note for some medication I take :mad: so now I gotta make another trip up there soon and spend another 8 hours getting through it. Sucks! :D

  12. im not going to college so i just went for the full six years active. blowin shit up, jumping out of airplanes, firing missiles, rockets and other shit, AND gettin paid for it? sign me up! haha. (no im not joining just to fuck shit up. brotherhood, price etc. didnt want to sound like a TOTAL meat head)

    sucks about having to do MEPS over again. i cant see that being a fun process.

  13. Ha, that sounds exciting though, I wish I could go active. I'm looking forward to the friendships too. When I headed down to MEPS, everybody there was nice and talkative, I really liked that, pretty cool people there. And MEPS is no fun. Had to wake up at 4, got there at 5, stayed I'll 2:00pm. Crazy, but I think doing the exercises half naked in front of other dudes/chicks will be quite interesting! :D
  14. I know its not the same branch of service but a friend of mine was going to join the marines and they tested him at Fort Hamilton and that was about it...he said his friends that were joining the army didnt get them either

  15. doing exercises as in PT? because if your talking about PT your not even gonna be thinking about the people around you. your gonna be thinking "holy shit this sucks. my abs hurt so much" flutter kicks and leg lifts. get used to doing those. and yea, the army is a pretty cool group of guys. when i was talking to recruiters, the marines were super serious, and the army is more jokey/relaxed/friendly kinda thing. much better atmosphere i believe.
  16. I know this post is a kinda old but oh well. im going in too once i finish up my associates. Would have gone in sooner but i wanted to be an officer. now that im a semester away from my associates i realized i dont want to be an officer at all. I have a few army buddies that smoke, not as often as they used to but still once or twice a week and use detox of piss tests. they can issue blood test tho too. my friends in the marines tell a different storty. either way the first time you get busted is a warning and the second they with hold a paycheck (or so im told) so you have some give. keep detox on hand and dont smoke very frequently n you should be fine if your like me and love the bud. but if u have any suspision id skip out on smoking. my buddy got busted a lot and he got an honorable discharge. He said he only got honorable because of his time in africa tho.
  17. Either way i hope to find quite a few advocates durring my time there

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