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Weed, and ONLY weed.

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by The Captain K, Mar 12, 2011.

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  1. Grats on making like 40 posts, increased your e-penis. :D

  2. Any drug is "safe" if you use it responsibly. and all drugs are dangerous if used recklessly.

    Caffiene can kill you if your fucking idiot and ingest 5000 mgs of it, thats the pharmalogically equivilant (meaning it has the exact same effects as)of a 50 mg does of amphetamines.

    In short, dumb people do dumb things.

    And smoking is bad for you no matter what and inhaling carbon monoxide is not good for you (Carbon monoxide is in smoke and is produced when you burn butane or propane or whatever gas you use to light your weed on fire) Yet people here are acting like weed magically has no dangers yet any other "drug" is infinetly more dangerous. Obviously you can't OD on weed. but that doesn't mean it can't be used in a way that is detremental to the individual.

  3. Hahaha I tell u what man. I am no doctor. Neither are u.

    I am willing to bet that if I talked to a trained professional (u know...someone who actually knows what the fuck they are talking about) They are gonna tell me that smoking weed IS NOT healthy.

    I will not take the word of some guy on a marijuana message board! :D
  4. Voodoo pharmacology

    \t\t \t\t\t \t\t\t \t\t\tVoodoo pharmacology is the belief that any drug, be it legal or illicit, robs the user of free will by creating an uncontrollable urge of craving and compulsion. The term is coined by Jacob Sullum in his book, Saying Yes: In Defence of Drug Use, where he alleges that this viewpoint is touted in governmental anti-drug propaganda which deliberately misleads the public about the actual dangers of taking recreational drugs, such as cocaine, marijuana, etc. Such claims on the danger of these drugs is not discussed vigorously in peer-reviewed research, and there appears to be a move in public health to demonize certain drugs while the most widely used drugs of nicotine and alcohol contribute more deaths.


    1. Saying Yes: In Defense of Drug Use (2003) (ISBN 1585423181)

      I'm not asking you to change your mindset and false ideas of the world.

      I am not asking you to take my word on it.

      I am not even trying to get you to read the DOCTORS that did the studies that prove my point because it's apparent your too stubborn for that.

      Now I'm simply putting the information up so others are not lead astray by your incorrect assertions.
  5. #165 KnldgRngsSuprm, Mar 13, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 13, 2011
    The Harvard Studies were preformed by DOCTORS Einstein.

    Not me. :laughing:

    Not to mention my DOCTOR recommend cannabis for me and under prop215 I get it for MEDICAL reasons at my DOCTORS discretion.

    What century are you in again?

  6. I didnt say they werent.

    I bet if u ask 100 doctors a MAJORITY of them would say that smoking marijuana is bad for your health.

    I mean. I really dont care that much. Like I said I think drug use should be a indivduals decision. If u want to take the stance that drugs arent bad, people are. Thats fine.

    I know plenty of normal people that where prescibed medication by doctors. That have become VERY addicted to the drugs and they have ruined their lives.

    I know some people who are dead because of it.

    I wont sit here and act like I am better than an addict. I know Im not. I could just as easily be turned into one of those junkies. Not JUST because I am human, but because the DRUGS themselves are highly addictive.
  7. It's all the individual man. I've taken supposedly "hard" addictive drugs and only touched them once. Then again I drink to, and thats a physically addicting drug.

  8. Lots of drugs are physically addictive. :D

    Im just trying to say that drugs over all have a negative effect on MOST peoples lives.

    To say different is just ignorant.

    This all started because some one in this thread tried pointing out a couple celebrities that do a lot of drugs and are still alive and kicking.

    Im just trying to say that is NOT the norm. Its VERY VERY rare.

    Jucst because keith richards is still smokin cigs doesnt mean smoking isnt bad.

  9. I'd say that hard drugs can kill you, or are frowned upon by society. But they have to be in both categories to apply. Weed IS frowned upon, but cannot kill you. Alcohol CAN kill you, but is not frowned upon by society, as it is used socially. Also, alcohol can be easily used properly and responsibly, hard drugs are usually very addictive.

  10. I have respect for you.

  11. Generally baking soda must be involved. hehe
  12. I'm trying to take a trip to MDMAcity

    EDIT: Weed ruins lives too bro. You all can pretend it doesn't but any drug has a potential to "ruin" a life.
  13. Yea but the people whos lives are ruined by weed probably deserve the Darwin award.

  14. weed DIRECtly does not, its partly because of stupid fucking laws that are outdated.
    if you can give me a perfect scenario where weed ruins a family id love to hear it
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