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Weed and Accutane...terrible highs?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Getthatgirlablunt, Apr 6, 2017.

  1. Hey guys, I apologize in advanced for the long thread but I seriously have no idea what's going on with my highs and I'd like to know if anyone has any insight. I've been smoking for about 3 years now and am currently in my 6th month of accutane treatment. Recently (within the last 3-4 months) I've been having terrible highs! Before I started taking accutane I would smoke and become really social and have a good ass time but now when I smoke, it's completely different. I get super self conscious to the point where I think of every flaw I have and assume that everyone is focusing on them. I even convince myself that my friends don't like hanging out with me, or that they're all using me. This effect has made me hate going to parties or smoking with other people because I feel so self conscious. I've tried smoking many different strains but they have all had the same effect. Along with this feeing of self consciousness, I get crazy paranoid and Ive noticed I started clenching my jaw really hard when I'm high. I also get a weird pressure in my head that feels as if my ears are filled with water. I have noticed that my mentality is different when I'm sober and I believe the accutane may be causing minor depression. Could the combination of accutane and weed be the cause of my terrible highs? Has anyone on accutane experienced a similar phenomenon? I really want to be able to enjoy my highs again but I'm not sure I'll be able to if this keeps happening.

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