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Weed affecting sense of touch?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Deleted member 829132, Nov 22, 2014.

  1. Hell all,
    Good to be a part of the community. I started smoking again after a long break but I've been smoking on/off for the past 10 years so I am by no means a 'novice' when it comes to smoking. However lately something odd has been happening. When I smoke it seems to have an affect on my tactile sensations. As in, if I touch my face or wash my hands things feel a little different. Almost as if it's delayed response to the touch, it just feels a little 'off'. 
    Even today I have not smoked yet but smoked a bunch last night so still a little high, as in still feel a mild residue of the sensations. One of which is my sense of touch still feels a little whacky. 
    Does this seem normal? Does weed affect others peoples sense of touch? Also the weed is 100% good and in no way tampered with. 

  2. I've had something similar happen with certain strains.. Almost a numbing feeling
  3. #3 SlayerVA, Nov 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 22, 2014
    Sure it's effected my sense of touch, some blankets/sweatshirts feel amazing lol

    Also if I'm getting back into guitar (As I have been), I have to re-build callus on my left finger tips, weed helps play through the pain :p ... sort of sense of touch i guess.
    I would say this would be the most likely cause. I personally have issues with my nerves and muscles, so I find my sensations while high are sometimes different than others. Make sure that you're hydrated, and by that I mean water or something like Gatorade to replace electrolytes. I find that this is the most important part of not feeling "burnt out" which a lot of people tend to forget. 
  5. #5 BloodBooger, Nov 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 22, 2014
    Years ago (30 plus) we smoked sativas....that was it..great head stash, but I'm finding today mostly indicas for many reasons, mostly commercial, they flower faster, are more manageable in the grow rooms and the nugs are dense which most modern buyers expect...unlike the feathery, leafy sativa buds of the past which todays buyers wouldnt readily recognize as dank...anyway, with that being said, one of the most remarkable aspects of predominate indica traits is its effects on the muscles, nerves and get sleepy (never an issue with pure sativa) your tight muscles relax(you tense up muscularly with sativas) and the stone had a distinct narcotic effect whereas a sativas effects are more are just experiencing the indica effect my friend....enjoy..its good medicine.
  6. My first like 3-5 months of smoking whenever i got super stoned i would feel as if i was moving through jello.
  7. Thanks for all the replies! Glad to be a part of the community and nice to know this place isn't just full of high school kids hah.
    Anyway, yea it feels my sense of touch is dulled/number a little bit. I think it's just some residual affects of getting super high. I am smoking a pure sativa now (snowcaps) and just smoking a lot more than usual. Was getting a bit worried that it might be somehow affecting brain in adverse ways but i'm probably just not used to that level of sativa high. Also, it's weed sooooo...just looking for some reassurance. 
  8. This is normal. The way I describe it is like: if you're sober and you touch your skin, it feels like you are touching skin, but if you're high and you touch your skin, it feels like your skin is being touched.
    Cannabis is an analgesic too, so it numbs you. Makes you last like way longer in bed lol.
  9. Lol! Nice. Thanks for the to get a girlfriend hah.
  10. enjoy it

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