weather question

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by MiamiBAYBAY, Sep 12, 2006.

  1. i got plants outside, last night i left my window half open and i almost froze to death. my question is what is the lowest temp. that outdoor plants can stand? i dont know how cold it was last night, but i checked how low its gonna be tonight and it said high 68 low 45... and its cold out as it is so its prolly gonna be leaning to the 45degree..... will they be okay for a little while longer??
  2. I'm pretty sure that they'll be fine man, that's not to cold.
  3. from what ive read on here and checked out, your fine into the 30s... my personal opinion is once the first frost is coming get them the fuck out or when you see it about 35 and under 32, just be ready to watch them and take them out

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