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We have won the Medical marijuana

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by grassisfree, Jan 24, 2006.

  1. I'm not sure what all this talk about medical thc in bud form. We have a schedule 3 THC drug its called marinol or dronabinol its approved to treat anorixa and nausea. Just a wad of unregulated tree isnt medican. If my 7 year old daughter becomes anorixic im not going to tell her to toke up, im going to get her a controled dose. As if my son gets diagonsed with adhd im not going to start cranking with him, but get him an fda controled medican. If bud was approved for medican, their goes the small chance to get it legalized, what other prescribtion drug is approved for recreational usage? We have one the battle for medical thc, now we have to win the war on drugs.
  2. The government is going to protect the phamacies over its own citizens. For this reason they are probably not going to legalize bud unless for a medical condition if you live in a state where medical marijuana is legal. This way we pay outrages prices for something that's not even as good as mariuana that you can grow for almost nothing. This just brings us closer for legalization for nation wide use of medical marijuana. Just because opiates are used in medicine doesn't mean we're any closer for the legalization of opium.
  3. Jack is totally correct. The government makes so much off the pharamacies, that if marijuana was legalized, it would put them all out of business. But what they don't really know is that there are still people out there who would prefer other medicines over marijuana. If it was legalized, theres no doubt more people would use it, but I doubt it would be a dramatic increase.
  4. You lost me does bud have any advantage over the thc pills for medical purposes?
  5. yes, or so studies suggest. Medicines like marinol contain THC and a few Cannabidiols but not all of the cannabidiols that are contained within the plant. Because there has been such a great difference obtained in the comparison of these two, it has been suggested that extraction pills may work, but also have a greater chance that they do not, clearly highlighting some differences between the two. If medical pot was federally regulaetd you can bet it would be sold in some places with the THC levels stated. I believe that is the ideal treatment, not catering to the pharmaceuticals that already own this country.
  6. also, as stated in a very similar thread, the pill can take up to an hour/2 hours to kick in depending on food content of the stomach, whereas the smoked form (as we all know) is pretty rapidly effective. So its like what do you want, long lasting or fast acting?

  7. I see your point with your post... I just wanted to comment on this though...

    The FDA won't ever approve a natural substance for the treatment of a disease, because "only a drug can treat a disease" Also, endorsing something that's natural, and that people could grow themselves, would take money out of the hands of the Drug Companies, which would also lessen the need for the FDA. Beurocracies are fucking POINTLESS and should be done away with.
  8. Yes. Pure THC pills contain THC only.

    However, THC is not the only active cannabinoid in marijuana.

    Cannabidiol, Cannabinol, Tehtrahydrocannabivarin, and Cannabichromene are all other cannabinoids that are found in marijuana. All of the cannabinoids make their own contribution to the overall effect of the marijuana. They work together as well as independently, to create many different possible combinations of effects.

    For example, let's take cannabinol (CBN). It's formed by the oxidization (degradation) of THC. Lots of cannabinol means that lots of THC was lost. Buds with lots of CBN will make you sleepy. This is why schwag can make you sleepier than chronic. Schwag has been treated roughly, so a lot of the THC that was once in it has degraded to CBN (cannabinol). Also, because CBN makes you sleepy, marijuana with large quantities of CBN is desirable for people with sleeping disorders.
  9. Need we remind you of all the FDA regulated and approved drugs that have been proven to not only make you ill but in some cases are fatal. All you have to do is watch daytime tv and look for the class action commercials.

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