We dont make 15 an hour

Discussion in 'Politics' started by yurigadaisukida, Jan 14, 2014.

  1. That's a separate point from what sapien said.
  2. #322 STilladelph, Jan 18, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2014
    [quote name="Snoop Toad" post="19360668" timestamp="1390009070"]That really depends entirely on the product and companys place in the market.[/quote]not really, its moreso the business strategy. Theres mamy ways to compete in any industry, walmart capitalizes on receiving overstocked product from other chains, and reselling at a much lower profit margin than competitors.
  3. Right that was my point there's many methods....btw isnt that total opposite of your last post lol?
  4. #324 STilladelph, Jan 18, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2014
    No thats further explaining why walmart takes a different approach and why theyd rather lobby for higher minimum wage than dish it out voluntarily
    I agree with you, but thats a bit of a tangent. I'm specifically talking about raising minimum wage.

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