we are all the mind of god

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by Kush Lord, Jul 12, 2008.

  1. i am really convinced of this, anyone else come to this conclusion?
  2. yes, a while ago. something like each consious being is actually all one consious being and equally God.
  3. i think its more like god is the universal consciousness and its up to mankind to connect to it...its a high frequency consciousness
  4. but yes, if all of mankind connects to this consciousness, mankind will ultimately become one mind
  5. Or... we're just a form of entertainment for some superior alien consciousness. The "God" you're talking about is inhabiting each individual creature and playing Earth or Universe. This simulation Universe used to be a game of survival. Hunt, and be hunted. Now its a real time strategy. Slowly building up humanity, pushing the limits of human existence (through technology and exploration). Getting kicks off of the drama and emotion its own creations are getting from the "environment" it put them in. Well, we have until it gets bored and changes the simulation with another asteroid, or perhaps it will trigger a reset through us. There is quite a few ways to hit the reset button.

    Think SimCity, if any of you have played it.... but on a grand fucking scale in the 3rd dimension.

    Sorry... :smoke::smoke::smoke:
  6. Bingo. :) I'm in agreement with that idea.

    Basically you believe humans aren't protected from total doom?
  7. i believe its more like mankind is and always has been connected to it, but have lost sight of this connectedness, but yes i agree with you.
  8. reminds me of that south park episode
  9. I wasn't revealing any of my beliefs earlier, just rambling. But yes, I believe we are more than capable of ending the human race. You?

    The earth tv series, with the green guys fingering each-other's snorlacks? I was thinking more along the lines of something for another being's personal use. And more involved... actually contributing to our consciousness in some way. But yea, I'm completely unoriginal. Damn.
  10. I believe it's possible. But when I feel the power of the love I have inside, it makes it more than a little difficult for me to believe that all other humans don't have it as well. That of course does not mean we have to know they do. :) Remember how many times the world was going to end?
  11. One time I was looking at the Moon and came to the conclusion that all consciousness is fundamentally the same, and this is the closest thing to "God" or the supernatural.
  12. i agree we are all part of the mind of God.

    "Everyone has faith in God though everyone does not know it. For everyone has faith in himself and that multiplied to the nth degree is God. The sum total of all that lives is God. We may not be God, but we are of God, even as a little drop of water is of the ocean."
  13. Nice quote there. :)
  14. Hinduism is really a beautiful religion.

    I was going to go into the parallels between Judaism and Hinduism, but i don't want to hijack this thread, so check out the thread i'm creating.
  15. In a sense, we created God. But we are not the mind of God, as "he" is a human invention.
  16. Could you imagine if we could reach that vibration within our human bodies? It would be utterly mind-blowing. I experienced entering a higher frequency once through a lucid dream (not in my dream, but an OBE), it is something I will never forget.
  17. Not to copy FCFondler or anything but

  18. What if the Cosmos is Self-Awareness?

    Damn... it's like, if we have self-awareness we're a universe unto ourselves. :hippie:

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