Ways to sober up fast

Discussion in 'General' started by quinnzi420, Feb 22, 2007.

  1. take a shower
  2. Cut your penis off
  3. Listen to somebody preach about religion
  4. Get called in for a heart transplant
  5. This thread had been revived at least four times....
  6. have a nice little nap.

  7. :smoking:
  8. or rub one out
  9. I drive stoned all the time, but there are times when I need to be NOT stoned because I'm about to pickup someone in next 5 minute.

    What I do is I imagine myself dying in a car crash...

    Then I quickly sober up.
  10. you get a swimming pool full of liquor then you dive in it
  11. Beat the meat and eat
  12. Since an old ass thread got revived.. I do this. But once I make myself sober up I can't get rehigh. I have to smoke again. Then again, I can do pretty much anything high and be fine so there's no reason to sober up unless its a cop or something
  13. This are some of the ways to do it,,you can eat alot of sweet stuff because when you are high your blood pressure would most of the time be low so that one of the easiest ways,, do some walking, running or anything to do with movement just don't stay sitting or your going to get stone,,even eye drops will easy you up abit because it will give you confidence to interact with others, and the last ones are to take a shower it will bring you back into full sense of mind but that one kind of hard because of the kind of hour involve in smoking and the final is just let someone scare the hell out of you or just let some slap you up...
  14. I find getting fresh air for a little bit helps, also, being extremely cold (outside) sobers me up.
  15. Cold weather is usually pretty sobering.
  16. Eating, having sex or jacking off, and talking into someone who can get you in major trouble, like a cop. Those are the only things that've ever worked for me.
  17. All I had to do was read this thread, I laughed so damn hard the anxiety went away.
  18. OP as for getting food, get it before you blaze.
    As for sobering up fast, there is a process that will take a couple months. Smoke 5 or 6 times a day and build up your tolerance.  Then after a few bowls you will be fine an hour later.

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