Way to help overpopulation?

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by ete23, Nov 25, 2011.

  1. PHP:

    Lol, what? No, just no. There's only 3 animals if I remember right that have recreational sex. Humans, dolphins, and for the love of god I can't remember the others. But to say extinction is a direct result of not enjoying sex is ludicrous, sir.
  2. The only real, long term solution is colonising, or at least utilising, the nearest other planets/moons.
    The sooner we start focusing on space exploration and colonisation the sooner I think so many of the problems we face with dissolve...
  3. Stop farming.
    Stop sending money to feed starving children.
    Stop giving to charities in general.
    Kill yourself.
    Kill others.
    Spread diseases to everyone you can.
  4. For people who are talking about controlling number of births, I think that we would have a serious problem with aging population at that point. We would end up with 1 working adult needing to support several people and that is nuts.

    The problem is with medical advancement people are living much longer. IMO, if there are no hospitals then nature selection would kick in and solve the problem by itself. The healthy ones live and the ones who have weaker immune systems gets weeded out.

  5. [​IMG]

  6. Well considering there is no organized form of government, there is not much of a civilized society. These poor people in Africa act on instinct more than intelligence. That's what uneducated people/animals do. Animals fuck a lot to have lots of offspring because nature will take some away. There was a segment on 60 minutes about the famines in Africa and this mother had 11 children. 11 fucking children that she could no possibly way support. Vaccines will not stop them from makin babies, it will increase the number that survive= overpopulation.
    Social order is on the most basic uncivilized level in Africa.

  7. Holy shit, he's hung...

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