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Wax. No nail. How can I smoke this?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by BigGuru, Dec 8, 2013.

  1. #1 BigGuru, Dec 8, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 8, 2013
    I have some powdery wax right now.  Unfortunately I have no nail or bud with which to consume my wax.  In fact Ive decided there are only 2 ways in which I can smoke/vape this shit.  I just need to know if you guys think theyll work and which ones better.

    If I put some wax on the side of my spoon (standard bowl) and torch a glass rod till its red hot will it produce vapor when I touch my wax?  Im concerned it wont...hovering a lighter above it got me high but didnt put off any vapor at all.

    My other option is to heat my ti dabber until its glowing.  This would hold heat better and may get hotter but, again, will it produce vapor?  Is it good/safe for my dabber (should be, grade ii titanium, just gotta make sure I dont bend it :smoke: )

    Thanks guys :bongin:

  2. Do knife hits.

  3. Do knife hits.
  4. As previously stated, due to my circumstances, I can only do one of the 2 ways I mentioned.  However, now, time has expired.  I will be forced to try both methods blindly because I desperately want a hit lol.  Ill report back in 9ish hours when I get off work.
  5. You have a torch and a dabber, all you need is a knife and a soda bottle.
    Wow...youre going to make me say it a 3rd time arent you? read my previous post.

    Anyways for anyone that stumbles here in the future:
    I heated my glass rod until red hot, touched it lightly to wax I had on the side of my bowl, and got good vapor.  Id say I got about half as high as I would have had I used a ti nail.  So Id say go for it if youre in the same position as me, but just know dabbing it is better. 
    Also, I didnt heat my dabber because I was fearful it would get too hot and bend or loose its shape.
  7. It just seems weird you wouldn't have a couple knives laying around.
  8. I have plenty of knives laying around.  At the time I wanted to smoke this I was going to work.  I had only the items listed, and, even if I did have knives handy I would not use them.  I dont smoke off of anything but clean glass and properly maintained titanium. 

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