Waterring Problem.

Discussion in 'Advanced Growing Techniques' started by thesosofarmer, Jun 7, 2009.

  1. Im currently growing 250 blue haze plants with 20 1000 watt bulbs. I have just let them grow naturally, but now that they have grown outwards, watering is a bitch. i water with a hose type metal contraption to reach the farther away pots, but its so hard to find the pots because the plants are short and bushy. is there an easier way to water these fuckers? :)
  2. yeah, next time do a stadium grow, and you'll have to use less lights overall
  3. I've used an extendable watering wand, maybe reached 6 or 8 feet. It had a shower-type head on it. I know they still make the regular wands, but not sure about the extendables.
  4. Go Hydro--- Use a resevoir!
  5. Get a drip system and put it on a timer.... cheap and ez.
  6. buckets man buckets. Best bet and ensures good watering.
  7. stadium grow??? what do you mean????
  8. i wish i could find a great link to really describe what i'm talking about, but i suck at this computer thing...
    anyway, basically you put 3 1000w lights(or what ever you choose to use)in cool tubes set vertically so you have a column of light. next you build shelves around them at the appropriate distance for your light(ie. 2' for 1000wers) squeezing as many shelves set up so your plants can be set at an angle towards the lights. i hope that makes sense. search around on GC i'm sure you'll find some photos.

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