Watering Outdoors

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Whodi, Mar 25, 2007.

  1. I've done a successful grow indoors but I am curious what the rule of thumb is for outdoor watering. I figure the soil dries up easily outdoors.. so do you "water when the soil feels dry" like with indoor growing? Or do you water everyday, if it doesn't rain? How much water is usually needed? With indoor growing, you water until the water runs out of the drainage holes. Well how do you know when to stop watering outdoors?
  2. if the soils dry enough you should completely soak the soil, use a hose with a sprinkler attachment or a spray nozzell (no need for pansy watering bottles if a hose is near by!)

    if the soil looks dry you should move it around a bit and see if it's still damp an inch or two down...if it's still dry then your plants need watering!! Anything damper than that and you dont need to water. Remember if ur plants' fan leaves are drooping and have lost their oomph thats a dead giveaway for a sign that u need to water..

    ive just woken up so some of that probably doesnt make sense but i hope it does blah
  3. Thank You.
  4. If you're not planting directly into the ground, use BIG containers.
    It saves so much effort transporting water if your grow is in a remote location.

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