Could someone clarify how much/how often i need to water. I transplanted to big pots a week ago. I'm using tomato fertiliser, so should i just follow the instructions or can i steadily increase the amount. (i've not seen any yellow fert burning yet..). Also is it true that the chlorine in tap water evaporates if you leave it around for a day or two? One more thing (sorry), whats a safe height to take the top off a plant? I think it would be a good idea to maximise the exposure to the lights i'm using
The best way I've found to assure your plants have enough water is to wait untill they are just beginning to wilt, this way you don't overwater, nor do you leave them to long, consumption changes daily, dependant on weather, light, etc, also fans dry the atmosphere very quickly. Tomato fert is ok till you get to flower stage, lights on 12 hours, then you should change to a bloom fert (high P & K) only use what it says on the box, and yes to de chlorinate tap water, leave it to stand for at least 36 hrs. Your clones or seedlings should be topped between the 4th and 6th nodes, but theyre not that fussy, don't forget to use the topping as a clone! Max
thanks for that maxspliff, i'm in the uk too..... Where is the best place to buy cheap lights over here, and where do i get that bloom fert stuff ( north england)? Cheers mate.
The cheapest lights I've found are at the link below, they will deliver next day, and I have had no probs with mine in the last six months, they cost me £130 for one 400mh and one 400hps they also have a dual mh/hps available but I've not used them so can't comment the one to look for is the IP20L if this link do'snt work just go to and have a dig through they're catalogue, the bloom fert I use is Phostrogen and is available in B&Q or wherever, I'm in the North East (ish) I hope this helps Max
I'll check that out, thanks. I'd better start saving for flowering stage and get some proper lights. I've got them under a shit-load of flourescent gro-lights at the moment, but i suppose the yeild differences will easily make 130 quid worthwhile. Its f***in cold at the moment in our part of the world heh?
Yeah cold is'nt the word! when I started out everybody told me the problem would be keeping the temp down..... not up! hehehe there is an advantage to a small parrafin heater incidentally, it provides carbon dioxide, which as you doubtless know is highly beneficial, incidentally, have you checked out hempcitycommunity? It's a UK based site check the link below. And yes flouro's are ok, but as you say the yeild can triple or quadruple under mh and hps, it's definitely worth it Max