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Waterbottle bong

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by dylan2213, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. So im getting tired of using my pipe ever since i used my friends bong. But i live with my parents still, so i cant really hide a bong. When i searched for a homemade bong, i came across a "Water Bottle Bong" but my only problem is can i make it out of a 2L bottle instead of one of those little ones? and when i used my friends bong i had to pull out the bowl to release the smoke from the chamber or something, (He just told me to pull it out when i was done, didn't really explain) how will this work for the "Watter Bottle Bong" will i have to add a carb or something near the top?.

    Thanks, Dylan2213
  2. Uhm, just add the carb at the bottom just above the water line, and above the part where the stem goes into the water. This will allow you to suck out of the smoke that's leftover in the bottle.

    It will work for a 2L bottle by the way. Just make sure you stick the stem beneath the water. It's pretty simple.
  3. honestly your life will become veryy simple if you go to a headshop and pickup a glass bowl/stem thats pretty long not sure what there called sliders maybe, so that you only have to worry about cleaning one piece, and hiding something small. And then after that you can use your imagination to make a bong out of anything pretty much, last night drilled a hole in a goldslager bottle and used it.

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