Water I use - pH help

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by LilDize, Feb 27, 2011.

  1. I have my drinking water delivered to my home. it is pH'd 5.75-6. im growing in soil and have read whats best (6.8). however, i would prefer to use this water than my tap which is pH's 7+. can i still use my drinking water? is it better to use water too low than too high if you have to?
  2. Why do you not want to use your tap water?
  3. its 7+ and i thought that for soil you never wanted to use it. dont know if its the same if you have to low though... ive been seeing slight problems in my plant and i believe its due to the pH. i could be wrong though. plus my water co does RO!:D
  4. RO in soil isn't that good, neither is that low pH.

    You would be better off with your tap water. Let it sit out though if you have chlorine in your system.

    If your system uses chloramine which doesn't evaporate out, use those aquarium drops (1drop/gallon of water) to remove it.

    My tap is 7.4. After adding the drops (my system uses chloramine), and letting it sit for 24 hrs, the pH is 6.8. Perfect!

  5. got any ideas to how i can figure out if my city adds chlorine? im sure i can also get the average pH too. to be honest im using test strips and i dont like em but its what i can afford.
  6. Sure, google 'your city'+water system.

    Should have a complete analysis online.


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