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watching porn while high

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Ali20, Jan 31, 2012.

  1. who else goes right to watching porn after bunning while at home?
  2. Not the first thing on my to-do list..
  3. I enjoy watching some good porn when im blown ( no pun intended). Its a good pastime while the wife is away.
  4. its usually one of the things i do when coming down
  5. Right to it no, I tend to go right to video games. Porn is more of a night ending activity
  6. Who watches porn?

    I furiously beat myself while its on the screen.

    But watching it?
  7. Disgusting but funny at the same time!
  8. Nope I usually chill listen to music/tv/games then eat then if I'm not totally knocked out ill do porn. A high orgasm does feel a lot more satisfying than a regular one. Lol
  9. Na, i go memory style. then you can rock it for hours
  10. Yeah, i do, being stoned gives me loads like a fucking horse, don't know why though, i found myself jerking off to a youtube video of a tv presenter wearing a slightly small dress, it wasn't even close to porn.. i love weed
  11. YES, its the best
  12. I love it, but instead of the bad audio of a bitch moaning I listen to some music. Preferable Trance/Hardcore/Dubstep when watching porn.
  13. Occasionally.
  14. hahaha never. Thats what my woman is for....
  15. What is bunning? That's not when you smoke from your bum is it... Groce.
  16. i love to masturbate to fat ugly women when im high

  17. oh dude, the worst is when your high but then deside to watch porn and then smoke all your stash watching the porn.
    ive resin scraped while watching porn once too.
    porn is like tela tequila a shot at love without all the bs.
  18. I usually don't watch porn, I get high with my girlfriend and you know... ;)

  19. Are you kidding me? do you not know how dangerous sex is!?!?! :O

    of course im just busting your balls. lol

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