watching pets while high

Discussion in 'Pets' started by stevepwn, Jan 2, 2011.

  1. Haha, I had a Mini-Pinscher that did the same exact thing every single time I lit up...haha, that little bastard.
  2. haha yeah for the most part my dog is pretty chill but loves it outside. which it works i enjoy sitting outside watching the nature always seems like i can focus on one thing really well or take in everything as a whole when i get baked sitting on the back deck.


    sorry about the spot on the camera
  3. i watch little kids. It sounds creepy but me and my roomate lit up at this park by our dorm and there was a shit ton of kids. We watched them play and it was fucking rad. The way they run and their happiness.. leads me to believe that tit milk now is laced with pot. MMMMM tittyweed milk
  4. Damn! That is a gorgeous view!
  5. I like to sneak up on my dogs. Makes me laugh everytime ha.
  6. my cat:


    shes awesome :smoke:

  7. what the hell do u feed that thing??
  8. diet food hahahahahahaha

    i saved her from my stepmom. all her animals are huge :rolleyes:
  9. meanwhile your pets are looking at you all and thinking: "what an odd-looking son of a bitch."

  10. jesus ur trying to tell me that things on a diet! wtf the cats so damn fat he cant even sit right. that is the ultimate stoner cat i guess. u should get him high as fuck!!
  11. I waste hours watching my cat putter around outside, climbing trees and chasing dust...

    I wish I was a cat
  12. My dog gives me dirty looks when I smoke or am high, he's a total bitch about it.
    Some of my friend's dogs do it too.
  13. iv always had good luck with smoking and pets. its kids that freak me out. like the 5 and younger they look at you like they KNOW!!!! :bolt:
  14. Dude i know how you feel. My dog keeps wanting me to play fetch with him while i am trying to hit my bong. And then he tries to make me feel bad about it for the next couple of hours.
  15. Seems that I am more interested in my two little cats when I got a bit of a buzz on. And by little I mean...well not little at all, both brothers 2 years old and ones 11lb's while the other 19lbs. Abbath and Hitler! * sorry to be offensive but he has a stash, can ya blame me?* My buddy always calls him Hit Mast Gen while baked and Abbath * who has facial markings as the black metal'er himself* Shreddies haha anyways...

    -When we do smoke they seem to come close to us, and I would never intentionally get them high, I cannot stand hearing people feed an animal alcohol etc... but the cats do not mind the smoke to much, and though my place is small sometimes I think they get a little buzz themselves. If it was my way it wouldn't effect them at all because I feel ashamed if they are getting a contact high they do not enjoy, but they weird out a bit, starve for attention and are just goofballs when I burn.

    -anyways im still pretty new to the forum and pretty baked right now so I hope some of that made sense =]:metal:
  16. Once I was high and one of my ferrets was on the bed, and she was just scratching at the bed and rolling around. I remember being intensely confused just because I couldn't understand why she was doing that. I took it too seriously, I actually asked her why she was doing that. I was out of it haha.
  17. I really don't think my dog knows when I'm high. I love feeding it people food though. I also have this laser pointer thing which is always a riot!

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