Watched a guy get hit by a car!!!

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by lifted.again, Jun 5, 2009.

  1. So today i got home from the beach and my buddy, "BILL" called me to go blaze. i told him to pick me up, so he came and got me and on the way to his house another friend called me. "John" the kid on the phone, was leaving summer class and going home; our paths were going to intersect.

    WHILE we were on the phone, he was stopped at a red light on my right and im passing through the intersection give him a honk. While all this is happening, out of the corner my eye i catch a mexican FLYING down the sidewalk on his bike.

    He was traveling the OPPOSITE direction of me and he had the "walk" light for the pedestrian cross walk. He goes straight for it, and the guy that was making the right hand turn on red didnt even stop first and WENT RIGHT FOR HIS TURN!

    Each collided and my first reaction was just to point and say "oh fuck did you see that?" immediately i hang up on John, by the way he didnt see it and it was RIGHT NEXT TO HIM! I look at Bill and say look man you gotta turn around. He saw it too but i didnt know and he was already turning around.

    We get to the intersection and the mexican is still laying there. Half way under the car. I though this guy got RAN OVER. But he was playin it cool. He gathered himself stood up and me, bill and another witness all asked if he wanted the cops called. I immediately took down the license plate of the guy who hit him.

    The guy who hit him wanted to just leave as soon as he found out the guy was ok. He DIDNT EVEN OFFER TO PAY FOR HIS BIKE. So all witnesses jumped in threatening to call cops and whatnot. And the mexican said no we tried to work something out in his interest. He said he was ok and just wanted to go home. We said this guy needs to pay him right now for the bike and give him a ride home. And he said he couldnt take him home but he could take him with him while he goes to the bank.

    However by now the cops got there, along with fire trucks ambulances and everything you could imagine. WHAT A SCENE! i guess someone else called the cops! They did their work and we stepped back and gave our info, and statement.

    Before leaving I let the guy who got hit use my phone. He claimed he had a ride coming to get him, but just incase he didnt i gave him 5 bucks for bus fare so the poor guy didnt have to walk. LIVED 7+ miles, and south florida heat...that sucks.

    I just felt so bad for the guy. Yeah he coulda used some more caution but if all laws were followed (he followed his) then it coulda been avoided. But mainly i wanted to stop cause its not fair that this guy should suffer because of a language barrier...nor should the guy be taken advantage of simple because the driver who hit him assumed (and correctly assumed) he was illegal.

    I guess i did my good deed for the day, just thought i would share that crazy experience with ya'll:smoking:
  2. Glad you tried to help this guy, but does the fact that he is "Mexican" have any relevency to this story? Maybe he's not even Mexican, he could be El Salvadorian or any of the other countries that are of Hispanic ancestry. You could have simply just said he was Hispanic and left it at that.
  3. yeah man i threw it in there because thats what he was...i had a conversation with the dude and he told me how he came here from mexico and everything. Seems like your just trying to make a racial problem out of a fact in my story hmm... he was an illegal mexican immigrant and wanted nothing to do with the police being there. to me that had something to do with my story.:rolleyes:

    im the furthest thing from prejudice thanks:wave:

  4. waaaa waaaaa political correctness waaaa waaaaa
  5. lol exactly
  6. Mexican is not a racist word. I wouldnt be offended if someone called me Canadian or French just because im white.
  7. a beans a bean, what difference does it truly make?
  8. wow so the mexican went to jail after he got fucked up by a car?
  9. [​IMG] Watched a guy get hit... 06-04-2009 10:10 PM Tokin chitown I'm a bean, your a prick.prick, asshole, king of i just dint give a fuck? yup.

    racist, nope, i hate everyone, white, black, yellow or pinto brown just the same.
  10. You sound like a real nice guy. World is a better place with people like you.:hello:

    On another note, one time when i was driving to school, i saw a guy on a bike ride right through an intersection and he got hit by a car going about 30 mph. He flew a few feet in the air and landed on the windshield of the car. I laughed kinda hard at first, untill i realized i wasn't watching a silly youtube video. Things are deinitely not as funny in real life as they are on the internet. The driver drove the biker to the hospital, and i just felt like a total dick after that for laughing. :(

  11. Jesus.....
  12. yeah really. In a perfect society people who talked all politically correct would get bitch slapped by whoever was annoyed.:D
  13. Once I was at a intersection and saw a blind man spinning round and round with his cane in the middle of the road.

    I'm thinking "Shit, I should do something." I start to unlock and open the car door when a tram comes out of nowhere and hits him.

    I'm stunned and I'm speechless for a few seconds. By this time the lights have turned green and my dad's started driving.

    I say "Some guy just got hit by the tram!"

    Dad didn't stop cose he didn't see it... No other cars stopped. I swear I saw it though.

  14. oh i laughed at first too...but same deal, i realized it was a serious issue and did what i could to help the guy. :)

    hahahahaha you got my vote if ya run for pres!

    ouch...that one hurts...especially cuz he didnt even see it coming:laughing::bolt:
  15. i saw a dead guy who'd been hit by a car once it was fucked. I was on the top deck of a bus when i look to my left and there's a car with a cracked windscreen and blood. then i see the dude half covered by a white sheet in the road with blood soaking through the sheet which was over his head...

    on a related matter on the same bus route i saw the aftermath of a stabbing with blood all over the pavement. no body just blood litreally everywhere. I didnt know anyone had that much blood in them... again fucked

  16. So maybe you were just hallucinating?

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