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Watch CA discuss legalization of cannabis RIGHT NOW!!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Caprican, Oct 28, 2009.

  1. Lawyer for the Cops & Police Chiefs just started talking, He's here to be the side vs. legalization :(
  2. Thanks for the link bro.
  3. It is not loading for me.

    Seems to be a problem on my end. Keep me informed! I've been waiting for this for a few days.
  4. He's talking about the difference between legalization and decriminalization is that under the medical act, they are "exempt from prosecution under two state acts" whereas "legalizing" it is impossible because it is still against federal law.

    "No state can legalize it because it is still illegal under state law"
    "It is a policy decision, not decriminalization"
  5. "The San Francisco District Attorney decided that she would not prosecute consensual prosecution, and that was her prosecutorial decision"

    "I think it is misleading to refer to this as the legalization of marijuana when it will still be federally illegal"

    "Until or unless congress chooses to change the law, it will remain illegal regardless of state action - They will not even lessen the statute for medical users"
  6. Basically, the lawyer isn't arguing against "legalization" he's just saying we can't call it legalization because it will still be illegal under federal law

    but what we CAN do is remove any mention of it from the states books making it not against California law
  7. Ohhhhh, I see what the game is here.

    Now they're talking about how if they decriminalize it, and tax it, there will be a record of who paid the tax, and the feds could come in and take those records and use it as a method of incriminating people who have paid the tax.

    THEREFORE the police's arguement is that since nobody will want to incriminate themselves, nobody will pay the tax, and if nobody is going to pay the tax why should the state bother?

    Thats actually fairly clever in a manipulative sort of way
  8. They're talking about pot at clubs being tested by the FDA have found it comes from south america and has illegal pesticides on it. Specifically in Los Angeles County
  9. Guy talking right now is a douchebag.
  10. On to the next panel... I think its reps for the cops, the "Juvenile correctional system", a former district attorney for SF (In favor I think) and someone else whose name I didn't catch...

    "There is no way marijuana could enchance our society, in fact it diminishes it"

    "Marijuana is a mind altering addictive drug, marijuana robs you of memory focus and concentration"
    "Children with D average or below are 4x more likely A students to have tried marijuana"
    "Joints are comprised of more than 400 chemicals all of them toxic"

    then the chairman jumped in and told him not to talk about medical stuff

    Economic impact of the marijuana on the labor force
    People who use marijuana are more likely to call in sick, workers comp claims, etc.

    They're talking fast, I only type 60wpm :(
  11. lol...
    They're saying that we can't legalize because it will help the drug cartels in mexico....???

    "In the netherlands, they legalized in cafes - this lead to a 45% increase in registered cannabis addicts from 91' to 98'"

    Basically lots of crime increased... Cannabis use among students in holland have increased %250

    Talking about closing cafes in amsterdam, but they're not talking about that its to keep tourists out lol

    1960 sweden legalized, criminality increased
  12. Ok, i can't keep up with this - Sorry guys! just watch

  13. yes, he is

    Hooray for Gateway Drug theory!
  14. Did he just equate meth to weed????!?!!!!?!?!?!!!!!!!!

  15. What thread?
    I didn't see any about the video, and I looked

  16. I think we made it at about exactly the same time, but as you can see im chillin in Your thread, so its all good, lol;)
  17. So yeah, this seems odd.

    They're using the "Mexican Cartels" arguement for NOT legalizing, when its been shown multiple times that since the medical use act they have lost more than 50% of their revenue from marijuana


    Because if its legal you don't have to use cheap weed from the cartels!!
  18. bragging about destroying 4.4 million plants :(

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