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Was that my first actual "high"

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Trip Hitter, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. Aight, so Friday, me and 3 of my friends got completely fucked up:cool: We had like a quarter gram or something like that, but anyway, I took a hit or two from the pipe we were using...not really high at all..then we did the hookuh, I coughed like a motherfucker for like 3 minutes straight and after that everything was crazy, shit was spinning and I was like thinking weird and what not ha...Now I have smoked before, all via bowls and was never "high" like that night...I smoked everything right previously! And still, I wasn't ever like I was Friday night. So can I consider that my first high? And it was mids for yallz info
  2. That just means you got really high.
  3. quarter of a gram?
    lol? .25? thats enuff to get maybe one person high if its super dank
  4. Woah woah I didn't see that you said .25, thats like nothing haha

  5. I dont remember wtf the weight was haha, but it was like the size of my fist
  6. Oh shit, wait, I remember now ha, it was 8 grams, my bad, my friend had a scale and I remember him weighing it out.
  7. ahhh. you mean about a quarter of an ounce (7g) so a bit more than a quarter, not a quarter of a gram, lol.
  8. Thats some fluffy bud brooo :smoke:
  9. You just got super high.. Try smoking out of a bong, vap, or gravity bong to reach those heights again. Thats when its fun to just get stupid
  10. Did you guys smoke it all? Cuz like 2 grams between 3 people gets everyone fucked up. Even a gram, so if you guys smoked it all I would HOPE that you got baked, lol. Also, try a bong. You'll find that it's the most efficient way to smoke, both in how little weed you will use, and how high you will get off of so little. Although, nothing beats an awesome little pipe, Zu-Bam! :bongin:

    PS: Props for using a hookah brah!
  11. did you smoke hookah? that might cause the spinning feeling...
  12. this is my advice to anyone who questions these things, if you dont know if your high or not, your not. you will know when you are high

  13. True :bongin:

  14. It would have to be dank for days for a quarter gram to fuck up one person.

    I use the term for days here like you would refer to a woman. ex:

    Nikki has ass for days, meaning her ass is very nice looking and off high quality

  15. Me and a friend were high for a day and a half on .7 using an mflb.

  16. .25 of my weed will get me high for 2 days
  17. Yes, you were high.:bongin:

  18. Consider my weed dank for days then.

  19. There was a little bit left, I was so fucked up..literally, I was worried to do more lmao, but yeah, we were gonna bong it up, but, eh, we decided on the hookah. I will definitely try the bong Saturday though, cant wait to get fucked up again! lol:hello::smoke:

  20. Um yeah, pretty true..My first time, I was tired as hell after but then the few other times I did it, I guess I wasn't, It wasn't nearly enough weed.

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