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was i really lucky?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by L3TSG3TFAD3D, Jun 22, 2010.

  1. about a year back i bought a cheap bong that a buddy of mine dropped it and everything broke but the bowl which i held on to just to see if it would come in handy... so last weekend i went to buy a new bong and after a night of use i dropped the bowl :eek: and i went to go find the other bowl and it fit perfectly :bongin: so was i just really lucky or are bowls universal
  2. dont know mang, but what i do know is that your were lucky that you still got to smoke... peace
  3. There are two common sizes of bowls for GonG bongs, so you had about a 50/50 shot of it fitting. And if it's an grommet bong, those bowls are pretty much universal.

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