Warning- EzriCare Artificial Tears!

Discussion in 'General' started by Storm Crow, Feb 3, 2023.

  1. Just a heads up! Pseudomonas aeruginosa is DEADLY! My late husband caught it in a hospital in 2008 and he spent 2 weeks in the ICU! It shuts down blood flow to your fingers and toes, so they die, Then it works its way up your arms and legs, so they die. If it hits your internal organs, you die. My husband, as they took him to the ICU. looked like he was carved from paraffin wax, totally bloodless.

    There was a beautiful Brazilian model who contracted Pseudomonas shortly after my husband did. They amputated her arms and legs, but to no avail, she died from it.

    My husband was lucky, he only suffered some very mild brain damage after almost dying from Pseudomonas.

    So kids, this is no joke!

    Eye drops linked to US drug-resistant bacteria outbreak
    Eye drops recalled after US drug-resistant bacteria outbreak

    NEW YORK (AP) — U.S. health officials are advising people to stop using over-the-counter eye drops that have been linked to an outbreak of drug-resistant infections.

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Wednesday night sent a health alert to physicians, saying the outbreak includes at least 55 people in 12 states. One died.

    Disease investigators have linked the infections, including some found in blood, urine and lungs, to EzriCare Artificial Tears. Many of the patients said they had used the product, which is a lubricant used to treat irritation and dryness.

    The infections were all caused by a bacteria called Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Investigators detected that kind of bacteria in open EzriCare bottles, but further testing was underway to see if the strains matched.

    EzriCare said it is not aware of any evidence definitively linking the outbreak to the product, but that it has stopped distributing the eye drops. It also has a notice on its website urging consumers to stop using the drops. (snipped)

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