war with iraq? yes or a no?

Discussion in 'General' started by ugeman420, Feb 28, 2003.

  1. Personally I believe that Saddam did have weapons. But how does anyone expect to find them when months are wasted "diplomatically" arguing with Saddam about whether or not they can be sent in? Any fucking moron should see that he was using the time to hide (or possibly destroy) whatever he had.

    Having said that, I don't see why we're still there. This thread is 2½ years old, and we're still in Iraq, letting our soldiers die every day. Why? What are we doing besides patrolling the streets waiting for a car bomb to go off?

    We've done more than our part; Saddam's regime has no chance of threatening the world. We have no reason to still be there.

    I could not have been more sickened than when George Bush won a second term...I had never seen a president as incompetent as him...I thought it was a guarantee that Kerry would slaughter him...I guess I not only overestimated Kerry, but the American people as a whole.
  2. what bush did is remove a goverment that he didnt like, and didnt like him, and set one up that he could control. that is what is. he wanted to control the flow of oil into america. he couldnt do that with sadaam, but he can with this ''government'' that he set up. america doesn't have a right to go and change others governments.
  3. For me, violence of any kind is wrong. It demonstrates an inability to think critically. Violence is never, and never will be, the answer.
  4. I would have to disagree. Thinking is all fine and dandy, but if the other party will attack you while you're sitting there thinking and trying to talk it out, there is no reason to think...
  5. There is a reason outside forces want to attack us. It's because of the violence and intolerance we've perpetrated on them in the past. Violence is a cycle and it needs to end somewhere.
  6. I'm still confused why we're at war...

    1) WMDs? Nope. They don't have them, and even if they did, we've shown time and time again with N. Korea that we really don't give a fuck if our enemies have nukes. I mean right now N. Korea is practically shouting down our throats that they have nuclear bomb technology and that they really hate the U.S., so what do we do? Sit down and talk. No war, no invasion, just talks.

    2) Saving the Iraqi people (Operation Iraqi Freedom)? Bullshit. There are genocides and way worse off areas in the world that need more freedom than Iraq. Yes, Iraq isn't the most democratic area of the world, but face it, most places in the world aren't democratic, and history has shown that "forcing" democracy onto places that aren't ready for it is a disaster.

    So what's left? Oil? Finish Daddy's war? I don't know. But I do know that every reason that the Administration gives is complete horse shit and it's so transparent that it disgusts me that most of the U.S. gobbles it down without any critical thought.

    Sigh. And I'm not really morally opposed to the idea of battle, as long as it's for a just cause. Sometimes blood needs to be shed. But for this? I mean for what? "To bring democracy"? I think that's the current reason. But I doubt you'll find that reason in the pre-war speeches, instead it was WMD this, Iraqi persicution that, etc. It's bullshit. Iraq was kind of a fucked up place but worldwide there are MANY more places that are worse off, and you don't see us going to war with them.

    Not to mention the fucking cost of the thing.
  7. This war's spawned terrorists a thousand fold. If you thought terrorism was bad before, wait until the next generation of boys and girls grow up. They'll have nothing to lose and that's a scary thought. The politicians dealt heavy handedly in a fragile time, and now democracy has to pay. The war coalitions tactics are against all basic rules of war. Civilians in the middle east can wage a guerrilla war for years. The states can't win a war of attrition on foreign ground. George Bush even snubbed Canada, and now our Prime Minister's selling oil to China. It's all around bad. :(
  8. NO!:mad:

    Iraq is worse off now than when we went in to begin with. At least with Sadaam there was order, albeit it was enforced through terror, but it wasn't terror against the US (though they didn't like us too much). It was terror agianst the Iraqi people. Iraq had no ties with al queda, Sadaam was scared shitless of terrorists because they would be against him. They are religious fanatics, he is a fatcat dictator. That's why he had anyone who was a suspected terrorist killed. Now that Sadaam is out Iraq has become a breeding ground for terrorist. It's like all the anti US arabs over there now have a battleground they can fight us at. We've given them a chance to fight back at us, and that's exactly what they're doing. I doubt this war is going to end the way any of us want it to.

    Basically what we have to do in order to leave is properly train the Iraqi troops to take care of the insurgancy themselves, and I have a strong feeling that will never happen. We're letting American soldiers die, while at the same time we're killing civilian after civilian. 2000 americans died on september 11, do you have any idea how many civilians we've killed during our time in Iraq? Check out this site --> http://www.iraqbodycount.net/#position That's 27000 civilians killed! And a lot of them were women and children. We're doing this, and Iraq didn't even have anything to do with 9/11!!!!!!!!!!!! Not only does it suck that we're killing so many civilians, but what do you think happens to someone who just lost his wife and kid because the US dropped a bomb on his house? He's going to join the insurgancy, it's a vicous cycle. We're going to keep spawning more and more anti US sentiment.

    People find it easy to say, oh yea we shoudl go to war to "defend freedom" but that is exactly what you've been conditioned to think. Do you really think Iraq was a threat to the US? Do you really think freedom is in jeapordy? Well, it sure is, but not from terrorists, our freedom is in jeapordy from our own mother fucking government. So it's easy to say, yea go over there and fight, but what you don't see is the innocent men, women, and children who are being blown up, burned, maimed, and murdered every day. Not to mention our own troops, who are just kids for christsake, 18-25 year olds getting murdered every day.

    Do I support Sadaam? Certainly not, he is a piece of shit. But this is not the answer. This is just a big fucking mess now, started by the military industrial complex. Do you have any idea how much they benefit from being at war? Weapons contracts can make a shitload of money, a shitload of taxpayers money.

    For fucks sake, it boggles my mind how anyone could actually support this atrocity.
  9. Where did you hear that? Any sources? links?

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