War on drugs a failure?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by fomoiri, Jun 8, 2011.

  1. As if any of us thought otherwise, but now it's "official". For the Americans here, I'm curious to know if this made your local/state/nation news in the last few days-week. It did in Canada. Plenty of news articles to be found, just google "war on drugs failure".

    And for those that want to read the report: Global Commission on Drug Policy | Report

    While I fully support the decriminalization of all drugs, I do not think they should be readily available for people of all ages. You don't want someone's older brother buying 12 year olds cocaine or meth to bang, like what happens with cigarettes and alcohol. Nor would it be good if people started missing/losing jobs due to their addiction. There's no way you can function when you're on a meth/cocaine run and up for days going psychotic, or nodding off from heroin/opiates.
    It would be a very difficult thing to figure out, IF it ever were to happen.
    That said, marijuana should be the first to be decriminalized, and no, it's not at all legal in Canada (a big misconception I still run into).
    just my two cents
  2. use the search button. there are millions of threads about this. I made the first one in fact :)
  3. sorry, I didn't see any, I was up late and woke up early, the brain is a bit slow today. this can be deleted then. again, sorry for the clutter
  4. This happens now all over the globe. Legalizing or decriminalizing isn't going to change that. It will stop drug dealers from making obscene amounts of money from dealing to our children though. If drugs were taxed and regulated, the money gained could be put toward properly educating people about different drugs and the effects they have on the human body. With that knowledge, people can make more informed decisions about what they put in their body, and ultimately the responsibility will be theirs, as it should be.

    No government should have the right to act as a moral compass of the people. Peoples' lives should be their own to be lived as they see fit. If that means a person wants to smoke a substance that makes them dizzy, or inhale a substance that makes them see pink elephants floating on clouds of jelly beans, that's the right of the individual that should not be trodden upon by any government. And if you would simply look into those countries that have already decriminalized all drugs, like Portugal, you will find that those ridiculous fears of drugs getting into the wrong hands, or cities and states becoming completely overrun by drug use, are just that, ridiculous fears based on lies told to you by your own government so that they might keep that thumb hold on its people forever.
  5. I completely agree with your statement. The only problem that the government cannot ignore is the fact that some responsible citizens are prone to drug addiction. Some people can use only 1 time and become addicted. I think the government needs to find a policy that allows for total freedom in regard to drug use unless addiction is 100% guaranteed. Of course, our technology has not evolved enough to see this information beforehand. It is interesting what new ammendments are to be made in respect to the war on drugs.
  6. i'm involved in the addiction field, no one is ever addicted from one drink, or smoking one rock, or using any opiate. even if there is a genetic-predisposition to addiction, like parents/grandparents/aunt/uncle etc who've had addiction with alcohol does not mean that one drink will snag them.

    Addiction has far less to do with the substance than the it does with the underlying issues for each individual. the addict is essentially self medicating, and doing that traps you in a cycle of use. getting the substance out of their system is only the tip of the iceberg.
    if you want to know more, you can always message me
  7. I've heard a lot of cases.
  8. i've heard a lot of things too, but in 10 years i've never come across it. it also doesn't make any sense when it comes to addiction. as i said, the substance is the symptom, not the underlying problems. that's why solely treating the symptoms doesn't work. the person will "clean up" (typical 28 day spin dry) but it fails 9.9 times out of 10, because the problems weren't addressed and dealt with.

    it is biologically impossible to take a substance one time and be physically dependent on it. it takes time for the body to adjust to having a substance in order for the body/brain to develop a physical dependence.

    with decades of studies as well as experiences within this field, and you'd ignore that because you "heard" something? there's a wealth of information at your finger tips.. well, it's up to you what you want to think, and I'm not going to be the thought police. I'm going to trust the decades of collective information and the experiences of everyone I've known over the last decade to what I "heard".
    i'm not interested in debating this, so i'll end it from my end. but you're welcome to message me any questions, if you'd like,

  9. I know what you mean and I am by no means making the experienced claim. I am a philosopher, not an expert psychologist or neuroscientist.

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