War: For Or Against?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by weedboss, Mar 29, 2003.


Do You Agree With The War?

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  1. Well, ted makes a good point, along with a lot of people here. What would I do if bush managed to get re-elected :rolleyes:? Most likely get the hell out of the US as fast as possible. Signs are pointing to bush possibly reinstating the draft, and seeing as how I fall into the draft age, and dying for oil doesn\'t sound appealing to me.... then again, a lot of people wouldn\'t agree with it and it would cause complete chaos, possibly even economical collapse if bush makes the wrong move.

    This world is going down the shitter. :(
  2. If I read or hear one more time the stupid bullshit that this war is just about oil, I\'m liable to puke all over my monitor! Why dosen\'t anyone see the obvious: THIS WAR IS ABOUT RELIGION--period. I guess your\'e all just afraid you\'ll be struck down if you say it.

    It\'s about a certain small part of Islam against the big bad Christians and Jews. They have said they will not be happy until all Americans are converted to Islam. They said it. I didn\'t! (The Christians were doing the same thing a few hundred years ago; some still do.)

    If you don\'t think Saddam was not in on 9/11, why don\'t you read the papers or listen to the news? It\'s been coming out that there was a connection after all. You probablly won\'t find it out on the mainstream US and UK news media, though. Look around in other than their left wing rags and networks>

    Yes, I\'m in favor of this war--and of course I don\'t like it. My grandson is over there for and will be for a while yet. I just hope and pray he gets back well and safe. Damn!

    I\'m afraid that Iraq and Afganistan wont be the end of it either. I think Syria, Iran and certainly our \"friends\" in Saudi Arabia will have to be dealt with one way or another. And something will have to \"happen\" to N. Korea. Somehow.

    I voted for Bush and will again. I\'m tired of hearing \"Bush knew\". The one who knew and didn\'t act was CLINTON! If anybody is to blame for 9/11 it\'s him. (I think it would probably have happened anyway, but maybe not.) He is the one who nearly destroyed the CIA so that we HAD no warning.

    It chills my blood to think what will likely happen if Kerry or any of his ilk get in office. Suffice it to say that we lost in Nam and Korea and those were both Democrat wars. The idea was \"Don\'t fight to win--that might offend someone.\"

    Another time maybe I\'ll tell what I don\'t like about Bush. He\'s far from perfect IMHO. I need a couple of fucking bowls--now-- I\'m losing the high. Seeya. . .
  3. If someone can honestly give me a good reason that we should be in this war I will shut up, but I havnt seen one argument that has any ounce of credibilty. Its pretty pathetic that someone thought that a SCUD Missle was a WOMD.

  4. Oh really? It\'s my understanding that Iraq not only wasn\'t a muslim nation but Saddam himself had quite a few blatant disagreements with local religious groups (and groups abroad). So nope.

    I don\'t know what media you\'re watching that makes you believe that or believe that any of it has a liberal bias, but Bush himself has admitted that Saddam had no link to 9/11. Don\'t believe me? http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/3118262.stm

    That\'s the same kind of logic that led millions of Germans to believe that it was necesarry to imprison and kill any and all jews. By their logic it had to be done.

    Which is why Clinton attacked terrorist training camps in Afghanistan in 1998, and why the republicans critisized him for it, right?

    Democrat wars? I suppose Nixon was a democrat then.

    I\'m sorry, your entire argument is weak and unfounded, i honestly don\'t know if you have any real knowledge of politics other than what you hear from Ann Coulter and Limbaugh. Come back with some real ammunition and i\'ll show some respect.
  5. This thread ooooold news wot da hell it still doin on here...mmm n e wayz Bush Can Suck My Dick Whilst Blair rollin on tha balls... they gona b my bitches :D
  6. Yer right....it\'s old news if you are for or against the war. Fact is ...it happend and is still happeing.

    Another fact is that we will probly never really know who knows what, or who lied to whom.

    What we SAW were the towers going down, and the pentagon crashed into, and the plane crash in Shanksville.

    I\'ve been to two out of three since all this started...and it\'s a frightening sight.
    I saw the families in Shanksville sitting on a stage crying as the President spoke. I heard the bell rung for each person who died on that plane. Heartwrenching.

    It reminds me of a blood feud. The Clampets are pissed off at the Mayburys\' cuz their eldest son got shot for running off with The Mayburys daughter. It\'s gone on so long that everyone has lost sight of what the fight was about to begin with, but hell, that don\'t matter cuz it\'s a blood feud. YEEEHAWWW *eyeroll*

    IN the meantime...the two families have found other things to hate about each other...Land disputes, well water, who\'s animals belong to whom, who killed the dog, and god forbid, who\'s running moonshine thorugh the property. So it goes on and on and on and on.

    Btw..don\'t believe everything you read, hear, or see in the media. They are notoriously famous for getting things wrong.

    I still don\'t know if i agree with this or not. I know i don\'t like seeing people die. I know i don\'t like seeing people persecuted for their beliefs. I keep wavering back and forth between yes and no.

    War is an awful thing, period. How and when it\'s justified is never an easy thing to determine.

    Bush would have gotten fried if he hadn\'t taken action, just as much as he is getting nailed for Taking action. There will always be people to disagree with something the Prez does. But i guess that\'s what makes it America.
    Free will, speech comes with a price. What would you be willing to do to defend those rights?
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