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want to buy off gc?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by dslam, Dec 27, 2012.

  1. I broke my bong and I need to buy another one.
    I found the one I want in the GC store but heres my problem..
    I have a Regions debit/checking account that my mom is still joined in until Im done with my schooling.
    I dont want her to see that I bought a bong.
    Anyone know what it is listed as in the billing statement or a way to block her from seeing what I buy?
    She had a cow when she saw Trojans. lol
  2. How can someone be angry at you for buying condoms.. you know coz safe sex is such an awful thing.

    not sure about your credit statement, but on the box it says tobacco pipe.
  3. go onnline and buy one using paypal instead. deposit the money into the account, buy one from ebay or a site that takes it (not sure if gc does). if she asks, you bought some video game or some shit
  4. Buy a visa/mastercard prepaid gift card at your local pharmacy such as CVS. Than buy the bong on that card.

  5. she thought I was a virgin. haha. and im not worried about the box. she wont see it.

  6. That worked better than I could have ever imagined. I'd say for some pot heads us blades got some pretty good ideas.
    Thanks for the good advice. Hopefully it wont take a month to get here!
  7. No problem! Have been doing it for years. Works like a charm. Where did you buy it from?

    Edit: I noticed it said that you are buying from GrassCity.
  8. Use amazon my statement said ezs or something like that when i bought a bong and screens
  9. Ive heard that GC shipping sucks balls.
    But Im pretty loyal to this site and the community.
    So I guess in a way its my form of giving back. :)
    I just hope customs keeps their greasy little hands off of it.

  10. Woulda been epic if you coulda played the Trojans off as a movie, or cd or something. Only woulda worked if the charge was like $10-12, though.

  11. I get the pleasure pack from sams club because i go through a lott and it said pleasure pack on the bill. haha! I smoked pot for six years in my room and they were oblivious even after they searched my room. trust me, she would have believed it! :)

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