So I have been researching growing here on grasscity for quite a while. I have decided to go with a small one or two plant scrog and I have read through the pl ftw thread and decided I wanted to use those for my grow. But the over day while shopping for some regular lightbulbs at Walmart I came across some flat 4 pin 26 watt "cfl" bulbs. Would it be possible to use say 10 me these instead of ordering the bigger bulbs? Thank you Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
Not familiar with "flat 4 pin" CFLs or with "pl bulbs". As far as I know, All but the super-sized CFLs screw into regular household light sockets -- in fact, CFLs were designed as a replacement for incandescent household bulbs in the first place so would need to screw into a household socket. Please explain or reference what you are talking about.
Well I'm not sure how to link from my phone but the post is by a user named -mu and is called "the best stealth light system? .. PL FTW" it compares hid, cfl, and pl lamps. And to me it it seems like a pl lamp would be great for a scrog grow Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk