Waking up + Masturbation= :)

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by DV, Apr 24, 2010.

  1. #21 HookdOnChronic, Aug 26, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 26, 2010

    this man speaks the truth

    And I've got your EXACT same problem!!.. I work m-f 8:30-5, So on the weekends, when I DO have the time to have a morning fuck..... I can't get her up. Because her lazy ass don't have a job, so she sleeps untill 2pm EVERY SINGLE DAY..... How is a man supposed to solve this morning wood problem if she's sleepin till 2pm every day?..

    Quick trip to the bathroom..... lol
  2. my girlfriend takes advantage of morning wood.lol
  3. Haha I love this old thread.
    But we still work opposite schedules and it's
    like god damn it!!! And he still never gets up
    early enough to fuck before work!

    I hate letting a good boner go to waste in a cold shower!!!!
  4. OP, i couldn't believe this when I saw you're a girl

    All this summer, i had to get up earlier than usual at school. Usually for school I get up round 9, this summer I was getting up round 730 and it was the most miserable thing to drag my exhausted self out of bed every day. Until I realized that maybe my morning wood was trying to tell me something...

    So for the last 2 months, every day when my alarm goes off, I get straight to it while still half asleep. Wakes me up better than any cup of coffee could, and is a nice spurt of joy to begin my day. Granted its no morning sex, but my ex gf just got back from a year abroad so that problem may soon be abated... :yay:!!!

  5. Hah why??? :laughing:
  6. I know its not true, but I grew up thinking that no girls anywhere masturbate, and it still surprises me to hear when they do. Don't get me wrong, I fully support it, it just surprises me lol
  7. ^dude i know it's crazy. and they also have all these other weird things they do to satisfy bodily urges like eating, drinking, and shitting.
  8. and most girls deny it. which i dont understand. i think girls that masturbate are awesome. they know what they like and they are more open to new things (generally)
  9. wake up. smoke. masturbate.
  10. :laughing:
    am i the only one that thinks its fucking hilarious that ^^^^^he preps for his morning jerk sesh with a purp sesh?
  11. I do when I'm trying to sleep on my stomach, shits annoying.

  12. its a science.
  13. i dont think it is. are there hypotheses, observations, conclusions, and analyses? if not.. you defy the scientific method
  14. I'm glad I'm typing this at 4:30 in the morning. It's embarrassing. My girlfriend usually does the honors. I haven't had to masturbate for over 2 years now :p It really turns her on to watch my face while she is.. umm... priming the pump? It's a fetish of hers which I fully endorse. Sometimes she gets pissed at me because I end up fucking her silly. :p
  15. Your boyfriend doesnt wake up for poon? better drop his high ass lol :smoking:

  16. Wake N Spank
  17. Pretty sure this is EXACTLY how my morning went: wake up. smoke a bowl. masturbate - with my vibrator. UH SO GOOD!
  18. Morning orgasms are awesome :)

    They always put me right back to sleep so I usually do so if I woke up too early.

    Went away with my Boyfriend for the weekend this past weekend, and I wanted to wake him up with sex but every time I moved in the bed he would wake up - it made it hard to surprise him.
  19. Where do you work at that allows you to wear scrubs and most likely doesn't drug test you often because you're on a smoking forum?

  20. Why do Americans always say "Wank it" and Brits just say "Wank"?

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