Waiting for the Man

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by GouGe AwAy 04, Aug 14, 2008.

  1. So its been a long ass day waking up at 7 to the thought of no junk today and what a sad thought that is...but as the title implies time has broken down my willpower and im waiting on a score right now. also waiting for tomorrow to come so i can call the dentist office and get my medication bumped up. honestly 5/500 hydros, a 15 year old wouldnt get off on those. Anyone else waiting on their man right..if you are whatre you picking up?
  2. i think i might get a sack fronted but eh i don't know don't like getting shit fronted to me.
  3. id love a dutch right now im trying to avoid dry sockets though...i got 30mg of lortab in me so im not sick. and Lou Reed and the VU's lyrics always hold true in the dope game because i am still waiting and my stupid ass dealer is always late. fucking junk dealers and there distorted perception of time.

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