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Waiting for my Rucca...

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by {H.E.M.P}b.Free, Jun 24, 2008.

  1. Okay, so I'm a little concerned about my latest grow project named Rucca.

    It's "Neville's Haze", which in my mind and experiences, has been very rare, and I've really been working on this one.

    Currently I have 2 Purple Kush plants growing, and have grown in the past before, so I'm no stranger, but I do have questions now... You never really stop learning, I suppose. :)

    After doing the germination test, she broke her seed pod, so I planted her in an NPK 20-10-10 grow formula. A week and a half later, she had not yet sprouted above the soil. Seeing as how, in the past, it only took 2-5 days to see a sprout, I was concerned. so after about ten days, I gently dug her up with rubber padded tweezers to find that her root tip is growing, about half an inch, but today, it's been about 14 days since the original planting, she has still not sprouted above ground.

    What do you blades think?
  2. Now she's my Rucca. (I love Sublime)

    GL with that. Sure seems like an awfully slow rate of growth to me. I have no suggestions for you though, sorry.

  3. You and me both, man! lol

    Well, thanks for trying, I thought it was quite a bit delayed too, but I didn't/don't know what is wrong and/or what to do about it.

    All I know is that I DO NOT want to give up, as Neville's Haze is supposes to be one of the most psychoactive strains there is, and has a pretty good THC percentage, I think around 26.3 percent.

    I appreciate it though! lol:smoking:

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