VOTE: Legalization Poll

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by amsterdamage, Oct 27, 2009.

  1. Voted and the results so far are:

    Legalize it - 76\t % \t / 489 Votes

    Legalize it medicinal use only - \t 8\t % \t / 49 Votes

    Don't Legalize it - \t 14\t % \t / 92 Votes

    I Don't Care
    - \t 2\t % \t / 14 Votes

    Total Votes: 644
  2. Legalize it. - 78 % / 565 Votes

    is where it stands now :)
  3. done, voted for first choice
  4. The "OD". That's funny. 79% in favor

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