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volunteering abroad

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by teddygram, Oct 1, 2007.

  1. I'm a sophomore in college and am getting fed up with the way things are going that are both in my control and not. I think I need a change in pace in life, so i've been looking into volunteering abroad. my first thought was the peace corps but its rare that you get in without an undergraduate degree, and I think if i wait until I have mine i wont have any sanity left. i found this organization called united planet which seems like i could volunteer for. my motivations include the urge to travel, urge to make a difference in the world besides getting a bunch of money and giving it away, and I'm honestly not sure about who I am and who I want to be so I think this will help. I'm sort of just drifting now and even though i'm in college working towards a degree i still feel like i'm just wandering around.

    and now to the weed. its a big part of my life and if i'm gonna travel I want to smoke some good stuff from a different part of the world. thats why i'm looking at volunteering in nepal. i'm aware that kathmandu was a huge landmark on the hippie trail and had great green. the project i'm considering is right in the city, and i'd be staying with a host family and work at an orphan center teaching, helping, and playing with them.

    has anyone done anything like this before? am i in for a big surprise if i think i can just volunteer in kathmandu and smoke a lot of great hash and buds while living with a host family? I was an exchange student in costa rica but it was when i was about 13. well let me know what u guys think :smoking:

    edit: the organization is and the project code i'm looking at is NEP-877 if anyone is interested
  2. It'd be a great experience.. take a six month break from college and then come back with a new perspective on life.

  3. Completely agreed.

    As to the smoking ... it depends. You'll probably find some stuff and be able to smoke ... but maybe only privately.

    Also, it would be unfair of you to smoke in the host family's house if it were against their wishes.

    Good luck, though. It sounds like it would be an amazing experience and I'm sure you'll find yourself some green.

  4. it sounds more like you are running away and hoping to smoke pot than anything else

    but maybe not...

    either way, make sure this isnt just a great escape as many people who do such things use them as
  5. i asked myself the same question. in a way it is an escape but i think i need to make it to better (and more accurately) develop my perspective on the world and my role in it. that may be expecting too much, but i'd also like to gain cultural experience and maybe help some kids out and mentor them a little because i know i could have used some positive mentoring when i was a kid. i think an experience like this would give me some time to allow myself some introspection about which directions i can and want to take in life
  6. Thats weird you posted this today; today I decided that I would look into organizations like the peace corps, but I guess I can't get into that yet. Volunteering for an organization where I got to travel the world and live amongst the people I'm helping would be my ideal life. That is if I could convince my girlfriend to do it with me. I just hate the life we're supposed to lead. Years of education to go to college, work your ass of in college to get a repetetive job you don't like, to live in a country most of us can't stand. Why? If I can get a position helping people and traveling where my room and board is taken care of, that's just... amazing. I think I'll look into united planet.

    EDIT: Ouch, just checked out united planet, apparently you have to cover all of your costs, that means working a job you dont like before you can join.
  7. How does it make sense for one to (selfishly) choose not to volunteer based on possibly selfish intentions? Believe it or not, sometimes the ends do justify the means. And what is wrong with an escape? Pot is one of my methods of escape. Everyone has them--soccer moms, college professors, hookers, the homeless, etc.

  8. Welcome to the Modern World.

    I don't understand it.
    I don't like it.
    I participate in it.
  9. I have no experience with Peace Corps whatsoever but my history teacher was telling me about it. He said it's a great experience and should be mandatory. He was away for 2 years in africa and tokyo I believe. He said you basically just live there and build relationships with people to show that Americans are good people too. He also said you get paid for it, which is nice.

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