
Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Duckyx, May 29, 2009.

  1. ALright, I like vodka, Im not much of a drinker but i like vodka when i do. I usually just drink the vodkas that are at the parties and what not, but I was wondering

    what is the best flavor vodka? that you like to drink. or other hard stuff.

    Im 20 btw, Im turning 21 in 3 weeks on the 21st so dont start thinking im some young kid.
  2. haha dude im the the same exact situation...i only drink hard shit and mostly vodka...i usually get some green apple and mix it with sprite or get watermelon and mix it with either code red mountain dew or cranapple juice...those are my favorites
  3. Everclear + Hawaiian Fruit Punch = the shit

    That's pretty much my only vodka intake.
  4. Isn't Everclear grain alchohol or somethin not vodka?

    My personal favourite vodka drink is either Grey Goose on the rocks, or Absolut Raspberry mixed with Rockstar Fruit Punch.
  5. Everclear is grain alcohol, made from corn, and is multiple times stronger than Vodka. 190 proof, that's 95% alcohol. Pretty ridiculous.

    Spending a boatload of money on fancy vodkas is retarded to me, since the goal of a premium vodka is to taste less. Vox is a solid potato vodka that is pretty cheap and damn good. To be honest, it really does not matter what kind of vodka you get. If you're just going to mix it, buy the cheap shit. If you're buying it to mix and impress ladies, buy one bottle of Ciroc and fill it up with cheap vodka. I'm serious, cuz, lol.

    Pretty much any kind of juice is good with vodka. Sprite and Vodka is kind of girly, but I love it. I don't care if I get hated on; it's a tasty drink. Pomegranate is great, too. Another good one is equal parts each of vodka, rum, gin, cranberry juice, and white grape juice.
  6. Dude get some cheap plain vodka and lemonade. Mix it with lemonade cold its soo good I'm drinking that right now and its way good.
  7. that cheap shit fucks me up too much
  8. idk. i know i don't like ketel one. im a bacardi fan.
    but when i have vodka i usually have smirnoff i guess.
    and i ususally mix it. idk guess im a pussy lol.
  9. haha you mean that good ol' Popov's:D?
  10. Absolut Pear is really good.
  11. flavored vodka is for girls.

    but lemonade would be the best bet. Personally, I'm a rum drinker. Rum and coke or rum and fresca or rum and one of those flavored splenda waters (rasberry/apple)
  12. I always pass out on rum. I take vodka shots straight but with a tin sip of juice before and then a little drink after to help the burn. But when it comes to vodka, the cheaper the better. There's a $3 bottle I usually get like 3 of but I can't remember the damn name.
  13. popov, taaka...all that shit...
  14. Dog your the shit. ha
  15. Ketel one is good i like that the best and sky vodka is alright
  16. orange juice and vodka the bomb..bur really any juice, also blue powerade/gatorade is prity sick

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